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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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In response to post #9033473. #9034217 is also a reply to the same post.

Didn't read it actually until now, and it addresses some points I made in my post. Most important "if you can't afford it, you don't need to feel guilty". Thanks for clarifying that.

I guess a forum like this one may be the wrong place to go in-depth with some topics. So misconceptions and overreacting seem almost unavoidable.

No offense intended, however. Edited by ratrace
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I do not know if this has been asked before but I looked at the Premium Membership page and did not see an answer for my questions. I bought a Lifetime Premium Membership over a year go but because I use the site so much I was wondering if there was a way to send an added donation. Or perhaps buy a Lifetime Membership and donate it to someone else.


Thank you all again for the wonderful service you provide!



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In response to post #9033191. #9034321, #9034367, #9034576 are all replies on the same post.

I looked at every comment by Dark0ne to see if there was anything that could be remotely misconstrued as flaming. Nothing. The only comment that flamed anyone was yours. A background in writing is no excuse. Writing and reading are both skills. While habits of though may lead a person down a wrong path, habits of thought are not destiny. And since we are discussing English, yes, you did openly and aggressively accuse Dark0ne of wronging someone. If your English comprehension is as precise as you claim, you did so without any justification. Your apology was mealy mouthed and self serving. Try again. (That was a rhetorical device. I'm not really demanding that you apologize again. lol.)
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In response to post #9033473. #9034217, #9034577 are all replies on the same post.

I think there is a huge difference btwn ppl who genuinely cannot afford to help out and those that just want to stir the pot for the sake of doing so. Having been a SysAdmin for several forums over the years I can tell you that there are A LOT of griefers that come to the surface once donations are asked for. It can get very frustrating to say the least and while the site owners are always held to a higher standard because they run the site and are providing a service, sometimes it is really hard to deal with these ppl when you know they are only out to discourage ppl from donating and could care less one way or another about whether the site is up or down. They just want to get all they can out of a free ride before it ends.

Not everyone who complains is like that but there are a lot that are. It also does not help that text can be taken in any context that someone wants to take it. If you are straight to the point with no BS then some appreciate it but others immediately take it offensively because they want more descriptive fuzzy words. If we always remember to take a step back before jumping to conclusions when dealing with the written word it makes things go a lot better in the end. :) Edited by Eglyntine
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I already have lifetime premium, so this doesn't really concern me. But it shows that you do care by letting everyone know. Thanks for all the hard work you do which helps to make everyone here's gaming experience that much more enjoyable. :)
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