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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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I have downloaded so much content from the nexus, and have met many new people. Did you ever get a donate button? I didnt see a way to send more money, unless i have missed it. Keep up the great work Dark0ne Edited by softail4life
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with Premium Membership you can post nude screenshots without getting banned on premium image share.



true story.

Well it is called the supporter image share and yes..that is the place you can post those...and not in the general image share. I suppose that could be a reason to go premium or supporter for some. :)

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In response to post #9036586. #9036907 is also a reply to the same post.

I just checked: 15954 days sums up to "only" 43 years... Somehow, I always wished it'd be longer than that. Sigh.

Pleeeezzz, M. Nexus, can you make Lifetimes a little longer?..


Should the Nexus still be here then I am sure Robin will extend the premiums. :)

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In response to post #9029004. #9030525, #9030875, #9031377 are all replies on the same post.
You all have admitted that you are long time users of this site. Even if you consider a year a "long time", one Lifetime Premium membership is only $6.58/mo. for that first year and becomes a lot less the longer you have it. Unless you live in a 3rd world country that is not even close to expensive or too much for someone to donate.


I live in central EU and for 6€ I can go to shop and buy only some bread and milk for 3, 4 days. With 50€ you can barely buy enough food for 4 members of family for 3 days tops. Not everyone is engineer and gets paid 1200€ per months, some have to live with unemployed parents, maybe one has job, earns crappy 600€ and has problems of getting to live. So don't think just 3rd world country has problems, EU has problems as well, maybe not as ginormous problems as somewhere else, but problems are there. Where I live you must be lucky to get paid over 700€ per month, or to have a job at all that is. Just for food goes half of your pay. Not to mention where other things come in like bills and other stuff that comes before internet and you viritual life. For now I am very happy that I can live in a house, eat every day and even get to use computer and as bonus internet on it.


I did consider taking at least a month membership once, even if I would have no benefit from it at all. My download speed is capped at 500KBs and I don't upload many images. But I was and still am generally unsatisfied how things tingle around here so I decided not to. I do like mod authors and their work, but their users have become way different story than 2 years ago. With each month there is more and more idiots around here and less and less mod authors, that are leaving for other places where they might find more peace. I'm staying regular member that will download and endorse mod he likes.

Edited by Timmy19992
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In response to post #9039058.

I agree with most of your posting. Thanks for putting some reality in here. I sometimes feel tempted to go rampage when I read some douchebags who are claiming that lack of money is the result of not working hard enough. Read that crap just yesterday on these very sites. And I feel deeply sorry for the makers of the Nexus that they have to cope with that.

I know, there's no political discussion allowed here, but to keep it simple: All you "from dishwasher to billionaire" - baby boys and girls out there: The times when hard work could get you anywhere are not over, they were never really there. Anyone can become wealthy, not EVERYone. And if you get wealthy depends on anything else but hard work. To reduce the social and financial position of an individual to nothing else but his own responsibility is the pinnacle of stupidity and ignorance. The latter is even worse, it shows a malicious intent.

But who wants wealth? Being able to live without feeling economical pressure by just buying food and paying rent already already would be good enough.

Try to live on your own, without mom and pa and granny financially supporting you. With diseases disabling you and sending you to breadline. With unemployment. I hope you're not. I hope you're fine and will be til the end of your days. Stop kicking downwards. Try to look up. Try to face fears of social downfall without turning against others. Grow a spine. Edited by ratrace
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