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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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I wouldn't even mind having some normal member limitations like 100mb bandwidth per hour or even less than that, if it would make the site run faster, and help you financially by great margin. Just program it in a way that downloads don't get interrupted midway.


It sounded like there could be some specific users that are even leeching from the site at a rapid rate.

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Been a lifetime member since late last year and wish I had become one sooner. I started to feel like a deadbeat user once I realized I can't stand playing Fallout 3 / NV and Skyrim without the proper selection of mods installed. The full DL history and access to the premium servers has been well worth the price.


One question though. How would I go about chipping in a donation once in a while, even though I am already a lifetime member?


I feel I've gotten more than my moneys worth of content and bandwidth from the Nexus and would still like help out when I can.


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In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033613, #9033675, #9033804, #9033956, #9034024 are all replies on the same post.

cause 37 servers should be able to serve the demand of a few thousand visitors at any time.

I said we had 37 servers, I didn't say they were all dedicated to running just the site code. 19 are dedicated to serving file downloads. 2 are static content servers. 5 are dedicated to serving the code. 5 are dedicated to serving the databases. 6 are running in a cloud setup in parallel, currently in testing.

no, you should never start a fansite and then afterwords blame the public for not buying a premium membership.

This was never done. Do not put words in my mouth. If you can't comment here without doing that then you won't be commenting here again. Mind what you say.

you are not thinking clearly, visiting this site makes Robin money, even if i have no premium membership, if no one where to visit this site, advertisers would not be interested in the site and there would be no money from ads coming in.

Correction, it makes the company I setup to administer the network money. It doesn't go in to my personal bank account it goes in to the bank account for the network, which then goes towards paying the server bills, the bandwidth bills, the programmer bills, the accountancy bills, the lawyer bills, the tax bills and so on and so forth. It was the third company I set up, back when I was 21, and it wasn't the last.

True, but he also made a statement at the top that wasn't addressed...

Indeed, a statement to a point that had nothing to do with this news article and which has been covered by thousands upon thousands of words I've written over the past 6 months on this very subject. I will kindly direct people to my previous news posts for information about what's happening, why it's happening and what we're doing about it. When I have more information I'll be sure to post more news on the topic. We're obviously working on it. This news post was to inform people about a rise in Premium prices. If people want to discuss the sites being up or down then they can do so in the other threads available. Bringing it up here only serves to derail the entire topic away from the original point. Edited by Dark0ne
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I guess my view on all this is so different from most of the posts below because of generational differences. I have a premium membership for the features. In my opinion they are worth every dollar. The site runs fine, speed-wise, for me. My download speeds are good, too. The fact that my "donation" helps support the site is just an added feature. When I get something, I expect to pay for it. All the poor-mouthing comments left me unmoved. I've been seeing those for 60 odd years. I have three blogs of my own and host two for my wife. Nothing fancy, but believe me, web hosting is not cheap. All of you people who are complaining about the speed of the free service are the ones who need to take a moment and think. You are using a free service. It's worth more than you are paying, since you are paying nothing. Not sure if it's worth more than your time, but judging by the comments, I would guess that's a yes. Just my 2 mils worth. (A mil is a tenth of a penny, for those that don't know.) Edited by ManleySteele
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I struggle to recall a time when the Nexus websites performed as badly as people write here. Opening a page in 'minutes'? Seriously? I remember that there were some problems with DDoS attacks and stuff like that in the past, but other than that, everything worked fine for me.


I reinstalled Skyrim about a week ago and I'm planning on starting a new playthrough, so now I am browsing for mods and testing them. I've spent more than 3 hours each day on the Nexus for the past week and only once has the website been almost 'down' (links wouldn't load), but that was fixed in less than 15 minutes. Other than the occasional lag period, the website performs very well. At the moment I'm posting this, the page are loading in a second or two. Even if it happened daily, that is nothing to complain about, since it is a free service.


I know I'm lucky enough to have a very good Internet connection, but please, do not exaggerate.


I am definitely going to subscribe for a premium membership when I will be able to. Nexus has helped enhance my experience in Skyrim ever since the game was released. So instead of spending 50£ on one of these 10-hour games we get nowadays, I would much rather donate 50£ to the website which brought me hundreds of hours of content in my favorite game.


Thank you, Nexus!

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In response to post #9033191.

and Fourth, and lets see what kinda hornets nest I stir up with this, but dont really care. Dark0ne, you are a moderator, act like one instead of a freaking smart ass, which, most of the time, is how you come across, your supposed to help ppl, not flame them and make them feel like idiots, address ALL the points someone makes, instead of the points that allows you to mock someone. If you dont know how to do that, find a new moderator


Please, for the love of god, quote me where I have wronged people as I'd love to see it. If you're going to call me out then you better be able to back it up.
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In response to post #9033191. #9034321, #9034367 are all replies on the same post.

Yes, I know who he is.

And Im not saying that you have wronged anyone, its just the way I have read a few of the comments that you have made to some of the comments in this post, I guess with my background in writing, etc, i read more into words and how people say them. If I have misread them and the meaning behind them, then Robin, I do truly apologize for my misplaced "Fourth" comment. I had a run-in with a moderator yesterday on another site that I have been a member of for many years, this person thought and still thinks that because he has admin power, he can talk to anyone anyway he likes, and I might have been bringing that incident into my comment here, and for that, I also apologize. This is why I rarely comment on posts, I have a habit of reading into things that may not actually be there.
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