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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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In response to post #9061373. #9061960 is also a reply to the same post.

For simplicity's sake. Why argue with a banned member and make it harder for everyone if I can just refund them and wipe my hands clean of them entirely? It stems back to what I've said about only wanting Premium Members who actually WANT to be Premium Members. Far less hassle that way.

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I like how the nexus tells us straight, that they need more money. They don't sugar coat it, and tell you "it's for X Y and Z and you owe us." I like that Nexus is so frank about financial stuff. Makes me feel like I'm a part of a community.
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As I said when I became a lifer, this site is or is part of someone's livelihood and they deserve compensation for the service they provide. It is not expensive when you consider how much it costs to go out for a single night of dinner and drinks. It also gives students, amateurs and professionals alike a place to present their design skills. Perhaps some will build portfolios that will help them find RL employment or advancement. So, do it for your compatriots and for the world economy.
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In response to post #9061373. #9061960, #9063930 are all replies on the same post.

While that is a very nice gesture I think this site has a very simple set of rules. Accidents happen, I've been warned for copyright material myself, and I wasn't perma banned. It was an accident, and I talked it out with a moderator without getting out of line or personal; it was a very fair experience.

Though the site is tight for money, and I'm sure you could include that easily in your ToS to toss all liability out the window. But your way is a good way not to produce trolls.

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