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Strange SKSE version detected and causing problems (Skyrim AE)


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Ah, the plot thickens!


First off - WOW. I totally did not realize SKSE had a "play button" or that it was some kind of game launcher to begin with. I thought I install it, drop a few files here and there, check "make primary" (because someone somewhere said you should - totally NOT included in any installation instruction btw). And then it would just run in the background when I launched Skyrim SE (regardless of which icon/method used, such as desktop shortcut, steam or vortex blabla) and help mods talk to each other and implement MCMs etc.


So that's what I thought. So now you're saying I need to launch the game via the SKSE button? Like every time? Or else my mods won't work? Okay, I guess I can do that, no problem...


... or so I thought. Ah because now there is another problem with this god forsaken game - see the attached cropped screenshot. Now it's EngineFixes.dll. Is friggin engine fixes incompatible with Skyrim AE, am I getting this right?


Anyway, thanks so much you guys for guiding me - I feel like we're getting somewhere now!


EDIT: I think I know the problem - I completely underestimated the difficulty of installing SSE Engine Fixes correctly. I just read the front page description, figured it was something like USSEP that would also fix the "no achievements when running mods" problem, install via Vortex and BOOM - done! Not quite yeah, as I'm just now understanding from reading the mod sticky post: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230?tab=posts


Reading is tech, I just figured it was a good bug fix for all. I'm not sure I'm up for the installation task - is this mod needed or is there something more newbie friendly?

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Okay, so I decided to take the plunge and I think I have now managed to install SSE Engine Fixes correctly, c++ redistributable and all. At least now, I can launch the game from SKSE64 - that's the good news!


The bad news is that not only do all of the original error messages persist as the game loads - another error message that comes first states that SKSE64 isn't running at all. :huh: This is weird, since I launched the game from SKSE64 - it, if anything, should be running - right? Then comes all the other messages of version 0.0000 etc.


Where might I go from here? Is there any way to test and troubleshoot the smooth running of SKSE64 and its plugins without starting Skyrim so I can verify it is working properly outside game environment?

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Guess what? It was Windows Defender. Windows :devil: :sick: :nuke: Defender!! It was preventing SKSE64 ever launching. I added Skyrim Special Edition folder as an exception to Windows Defender and BOOM - all things are now working perfectly, accessing MCM and everything looks and sounds BEAUTIFUL.


This issue is resolved. Thank you all.

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