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Vortex Engine Bug - Plugin rules triggering Cyclic Rule Interaction error due to rule parsing error..


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There is no indication when you get a "Cyclic Rule Interaction" Error that the root issue is with trying to create "loads after" rules targeting an .ESM file.




I had a mod for fallout 4 named "No Boy and His Dog.esl" which deletes 3 objects at Sanctuary: a dead body, a wrench, and a dead dog body.


This Mod might conflict with Z_Architect.esm and the subsequent architect settlement mod modules if it's loaded after (Specifically the worldspace edits). To be safe I'd prefer if this loaded before Z_Architect.ESM.


I had created a rule "Load Z_Architect.ESM After "No boy and his dog.esl".


This created a Cyclic Rule Interaction error showing "No Boy and his dog.esl@Default" -> "Z_Architect.ESM@Horizon" -> "No Boy and his dog.esl@Default".


In my load order, the Loot Group "Default" loads before the Loot Group "Horizon".


Problem: .ESM Master files have to load first. The only dependancy that "No boy and his dog.esl" has is to fallout4.esm, there are no dependancies between these two modules.


Solution was to remove the rule, re-check my loot groups were assigned properly, then to create a rule to configure Z_Architect_EnhancedSettlements.esp to load after "No Boy and his dog.esl", and to remove other rules targeting ESM Files. That has fixed the issue.


There's no notification that the reason this is coming up is because one of the files is an ESM File. I have also seen rules applied on ESM Files and those rules do not create an error and don't change the load order, although that may be because when the cyclic interaction rule error is triggered and not unflagged, rules won't be re-sorted until the current error is cleared.


Using the latest version of vortex and fallout 4 as of the posting date here.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi there,


I have also a problem with cyclic interaction.

My Vortex has the version 1.9.3

I also modding fallout 4

and i had installed around 20 mods for this and that and on the top I installed the Dank Suite - Core and the Dank Suite - LEO Extensions and then this sort-problem has popped up:


pic here https://imgur.com/a/5IaGPuP



Unfortunatly the mod author didn't help me what to choose here and I decided to uninstall everything (The collections, then all mods, then Vortex and then LOOT) to get rid of that sort issue.


And now the problem starts. I reinstalled Vortex and this sort issue appears again although I uninstalled everything and installed it new.

So how can I get rid of this cyclic interaction of LOOT that seems to come from Vortex itselfe?

As long as this problem isn't solved I cannot play Fallout 4 with my mods anymore and that annoys me alot.

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