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Vortex Purge causing Malewarebytes to bug out? or vice versa?


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OK so i used the purge thing and couldn't run Fallout because it said I didn't have permission for F4SE or some such. After an hour I found out it was my Malewarebytes. I switched back to defender and everything was ok. a week later I purged vortext again and the same thing happened. Am I doing something wrong?

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That's the first problem. :) You can move your steam folders elsewhere, which is HIGHLY recommended. If you have a second drive, that would be best, or, just do something like C:\Steam...... and have everything installed there.


Other option would be to add an exclusion for the Steam directory in Program files. Keep in mind, if you go that route, do ONLY the steam folder (and it's sub-folders) NOT the whole Program files folder.

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