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Ukrainian War: Prelude to Worse?


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Do you think things will escalate to a major conflict between world powers? And how severe if it does? But please refrain from any biased propaganda as this is deadly serious. Thank you.

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Putin is pretty much in control here. He is the one that dictates the direction this goes. I know Biden is extremely reluctant to come into direct conflict with Russian troops..... Which is likely a healthy attitude..... However, Putin seems to be slowly escalating... and now that his offensive has stalled, and doesn't look like it is going to achieve his major goals.... Will he resort to the use of tactical nuclear weapons??? THAT would be a MAJOR escalation, and I fear would lead directly to WWIII.... which no one will 'win'...... and could very well lead to the end of the human race....

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The biggest danger from this war is the threat of "weapons of mass destruction". Nuclear, Biological or Chemical (NBC) weapons would be a major escalation and could lead to a wider conflict and potentially WW III.

And Russia's power elite have already stated that Russia has no strictures against first strike use of Nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Russia using nukes in Ukraine is probably the greatest danger to the planet as a whole. A game of "Global Thermal Nuclear War" would end global warming with global winter.


And Russia's willingness to use nuclear weapons pretty much indicates they are willing to take other steps short of Nuclear, such as Biological or Chemical.


So, Ukraine could escalate to WW III. Whether it will or not just depends on how fast America, England and the EU can get one of Putin's generals to undertake a coup.

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  On 3/26/2022 at 6:47 PM, ScytheBearer said:

The biggest danger from this war is the threat of "weapons of mass destruction". Nuclear, Biological or Chemical (NBC) weapons would be a major escalation and could lead to a wider conflict and potentially WW III.


And Russia's power elite have already stated that Russia has no strictures against first strike use of Nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Russia using nukes in Ukraine is probably the greatest danger to the planet as a whole. A game of "Global Thermal Nuclear War" would end global warming with global winter.


And Russia's willingness to use nuclear weapons pretty much indicates they are willing to take other steps short of Nuclear, such as Biological or Chemical.


So, Ukraine could escalate to WW III. Whether it will or not just depends on how fast America, England and the EU can get one of Putin's generals to undertake a coup.

I would like to think that even Putin isn't that crazy. He HAS to know what will happen if he lights off a nuke. But then, I don't know what his REAL motivations are, or his actual end goals...... Maybe he is just looking for an excuse to light one off, and start WWIII....... After, it's quite likely that he will survive, at least for a while.....

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Nukes? Doubt it. Most of Russia's Targets in Ukraine can be destroyed by Cruise missiles and Artillery anyway.

Ukraine's Air Space is dead. Neither its Airforce neither the Russian Airforce are operating much in the Area.

According to Official Defense Ministry or UN Reports.

This War proved to me its a bad idea to listen to any Media or Political announcements no matter which side. Lies everywhere.

The Country is in ruin all the Russian's are doing is taking their time and destroying whatever military capability has been left there.


I doubt Putin is a fool to Capture the whole Country because that would mean risk more resources and Burn it to the ground with Thousands of dead Civilians and Soldiers. He's just doing what he did in Syria and wants to secure a Neutral Zone like he did with Georgia. For Nukes i think he's just threatening in case of active NATO intervention.


But... His intentions about the Black Sea and what type of Neutral State he wants is unclear.

Much will depend on how farther NATO pushes its Military Borders.

Till now our Alliance (NATO) is acting arrogant. Only thing we achieved is let Russia slip from the European Family into China's Arms.


A price we will pay dearly in the future! 200.000.000. That's all i will say. No army can defeat them conventionally. Its a guaranteed Thermonuclear War.

Its not their numbers but the fact that they will outlast you in terms of Logistics. You will run out at some point but not them. They never will.

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To twice threaten to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, even if it is a bluff, means that Putin and his government have seriously considered the option and have not yet ruled it out. Now, ask yourself again, "How stupid is Putin"?


Putin is stupid enough to delude himself into believing the world will stand by as he annexes Ukraine. Putin is stupid enough to delude himself into believing Ukraine wants to be annexed and to rejoin with a resurrected Soviet Union. Putin is stupid enough to delude himself into believing his "blitzkrieg attack" would subdue Ukraine and it's people in three days. Putin is stupid enough to delude himself into believing that the use of nuclear weapons is no big deal, and Putin is megalomaniac enough to believe he is within his rights to do so. Personally, I think Putin is stupid enough to use nuclear weapons, if only in a fit of "If I can't possess it, I'll destroy".

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Well I wouldn't put it past Putin that one of his goals is to free up the Laptev sea of ice sooner than later.

So I guess the question would then be ... how to do that without ruining the area ecologically ?

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Well. The way things are going i think the situation will escalate even more.

Intervention in Kaliningrad is something European Forces are considering while Finland and Sweden might eventually join NATO and Moldavia the EU.

The Russian Fleet has also passed through the Aegean and ''Teased'' a joint NATO Naval exercise east of Crete.

We also have Algeria announcing military exercises with Russia.

Meanwhile more Chinese Troops deploy in Iran and Arab States seem to try and keep a neutrality which says alot about future intentions.

I have no doubt a future Middle Eastern Alliance with Iran being the most powerfull of them might be a fact in the coming decade.


I believe every Nation must look to its Cultural cousins and secure a strong independent and sustainable alliance, neutral and without expansionism.

Its the only thing that will prevent all this. The current global financial system and alliances that lack any foundations will collapse one way or the other.

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