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Ukrainian War: Prelude to Worse?


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Bla bla .. I like gums


So how far on the mental health issue are you willing to go ?


Will fellow soilders that will help take over the US count ?


Is thinking guns are about being able to reset culture a mental health issue ?

What happens when people use their threat of resorting to guns as a diplomacy chip ?

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Bla bla .. I like gums


So how far on the mental health issue are you willing to go ?


Will fellow soilders that will help take over the US count ?


Is thinking guns are about being able to reset culture a mental health issue ?

What happens when people use their threat of resorting to guns as a diplomacy chip ?


Not just mental health, but, healthcare in general. The current system ain't the best.... (but, being a vet, that doesn't affect me overmuch, I get everything except dental care covered. Why no dental?? No idea....) Going to a single payer system (yeah, socialized medicine...) would be a step in the right direction. Increasing access to mental health care is most certainly a step in the right direction. Also, making sure that folks with mental issues are actually reported to the NICS system wouldn't hurt either. Granted, that won't solve ALL the problems, but, it'll go a long way towards that end.


Getting rid of gun free zones also wouldn't hurt, considering most mass shootings happen in gun free zones..... (and no, that won't eliminate them either, but, will reduce the number of incidents....)

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Gun free zones is ofcourse a bad idea amongst gun flush zones,


Lets be frank ... Grafton New Hamp showed us how to use the tools ,,, and the freedoms are there to use them.

So the idea that society should just automatically be the fair thing. Is Stupid

Society is what we make it ... and sometimes decades long choices to render .

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Bla bla .. I like gums




(but, being a vet, that doesn't affect me overmuch, I get everything except dental care covered. Why no dental?? No idea....)



LOL I just got the inside joke here ; )


But anyways ... how bout we try to re-rail the thread subject with a hypothetical.


Suppose guns were not produced to their levels of today , effecting world wide market availability . And Ukraine was short on small arms ...

Would American gun owners ( of multi 5+ guns) Donate some of their superfluous weaponry to help out ?

Cuz with people only having 2 arms still ... at some point your weapon stash becomes more of a burden logistically & tactically.

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Bla bla .. I like gums




(but, being a vet, that doesn't affect me overmuch, I get everything except dental care covered. Why no dental?? No idea....)


... ...

Would American gun owners ( of multi 5+ guns) Donate some of their superfluous weaponry to help out ?

Cuz with people only having 2 arms still ... at some point your weapon stash becomes more of a burden logistically & tactically.


hahaa - this is an interesting question but i guess i know the answer if i see how logical and precise u.s. trump voting leisure time gun owners and second amendment cowboys and patriots tend to argue. in their narrative they are the u.s. life insurance since lincoln and all others are the problem and beg for being punished and slaughtered by criminals :wink:

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Bla bla .. I like gums




(but, being a vet, that doesn't affect me overmuch, I get everything except dental care covered. Why no dental?? No idea....)


... ...

Would American gun owners ( of multi 5+ guns) Donate some of their superfluous weaponry to help out ?

Cuz with people only having 2 arms still ... at some point your weapon stash becomes more of a burden logistically & tactically.


hahaa - this is an interesting question but i guess i know the answer if i see how logical and precise u.s. trump voting leisure time gun owners and second amendment cowboys and patriots tend to argue. in their narrative they are the u.s. life insurance since lincoln and all others are the problem and beg for being punished and slaughtered by criminals :wink:


Wow, I have seen some distorted views on here before, but, I gotta admit, this one takes the cake.......

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only time and brave people at the right time can heal severe ignorance and a lost focus in a society! this is valid for ukrainian war and for handling out of control weapon "culture". as long as no educational level and no social consensus exists to clearly outlaw combat weapons ownership and misuse and it is treated as a tolerated part of a nations culture i see no cure for this society.

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Wow, I have seen some distorted views on here before, but, I gotta admit, this one takes the cake.......



Well I did say it was a hypothetical ... but yes depended heavily on guns not being so available world wide.

And really meant to explore the mind set behind the extreme end of gun enthusiasm. Which I don't think you really qualify as such.


But the obvious motivation seems to be what is now known as The American Redoubt . Something I just learned was an actual thing , even though I have been mentioning the town of Grafton NH for awhile as a template.

And wow , they are even in the area I mentioned years ago to make their own federal entity. But anyways I think they should do it ... could be a much needed hands on learning experience for all the anti gubberment types.


Were they to succeed in making laws that tRump federal control. What would these new laws ... especially pertaining to the 1st & 2nd amendment look like ?

I think there would be an immediate effort by the group in power to inventory the population and their weapons . And the right to bear arms contingent on passing a loyalty test to them.


In which you HeyYou have said some troubling things ... if tRumplican ideology is going to be the law of the land there .

So if your home out in the sticks resides anywhere inside the projected American Redoubt ... I'd consider moving or changing your online tune pretty quick , cuz you don't seem to be within their programming guidelines .

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