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Ukrainian War: Prelude to Worse?


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And the simple chord pattern . To come together as a band . Nothing surpasses that event when you are part of it.

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Society is getting better? Wow. ...


who says that ?


Society is getting better? Wow. ...


I am not even going to bother engaging on the whole 'assault weapons' thing, as you have already proven you don't have a clue about guns, or american society.

i have already proven what you assume ? sounds not convincing. and i think at least 60% of the u.s. have a better clue of u.s. society than you. seems you are one of the incorrigible lonely western heroes with only two hobbies: playing ego shooters and playing with mass shooting capable weapons.


i know that more lonely cowboys and ego shooter fans will tell the world here in this forum that the second amendment gives all(most) americans the guaranteed right until at least the year 3022 or whatever to defend themselves with weapons deadlier than machine guns and that you believe that most americans have your mind set. i can even tell you the names of them. thanks god this is just a forum otherwise trump would still be (the not elected) u.s. leader and the 6th of Jan. would probably be - in the meantime - a national festival to honor and to thank trump!

if you allow to take all americans into account: i strongly doubt your claim reflects the wishes of the majority of the u.s. to get rid of this stupid mass of weapons and the related problems and it even seems you still haven't recognized this so far on your cowboy ranch.


You are oh-so-concerned about 'scary' rifles, that you neglect to notice that there are NUMEROUS semi-auto, magazine fed, hunting rifles, that are larger caliber than your average AR- variant. Not to mention that ANY weapon is 'mass shooting capable', in fact, a significant percentage of mass-shooters use PISTOLS.


Try not to pretend you have any understanding of american culture. You may have spent a bit of time here, but, you don't live here, you didn't grow up here, ALL of your views are colored by the bias inherent in those that grew up in a society where firearm ownership was heavily restricted. (most of Europe....)


You make a lot of assumptions about me. So far, none of them have been correct. All you see is someone that supports gun ownership, and everything beyond that, is simply your own anti-gun bias.


And then we have the whole statistics thing. If you bother to look, you are more likely to die in a mass shooting in friggin NORWAY, than you are in the US. Have a read here. US ranks number 11.......


And how about the rest of gun deaths? Mass shooting account for a tiny minority of gun deaths. It's the inner city folks that are killing each other wholesale every day here in the US, but, no one seems to really care about that.



i tried to help you with my smiley. it was my intention to answer colored - what is wrong that ? your lack of understanding ?

i does not matter if you are cowboy or not. but it matters if you claim to speak for the u.s but in reality youspeak for some trump and (maybe) for some nra fans and by the way exclude "some inner city folks".

why do you ask for gun death? if you are well informed (not fox or trump tv) you know aready that the u.s. have a severe weapon related homicide, suicide and mass shooting problem no security or self declared weaponized heros can solve or have ever solved or prevented such incidents. it is getting boring and the whole world knows about that...

continue to ignore and be happy - that is my advice.


things that really concern me (just as example) are the ignorance to justify reckless acting leaders like trump and putin and to not to justify people who support laughable weapons laws even after countless mass shootings.


Imagine being so deranged that you have the flag of a fascist country as your avatar and you blame Trump AND Putin for mass shootings in the US, and China for censorship in the west.


Get over yourself, the world of 8 billion people, of whom 7 billion live in the Global south, doesn't care about Ukraine (a far-right proxy of the imperialist west) - and all your crocodile tears and proclamations about how each of those 7 billion people are brainwashed and are not worth talking to, aren't going to change a single thing.


Ukraine and the collective west will lose this war, and this war won't end in Ukraine either (the west will lose other proxies too).

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"Imagine being so deranged that you have the flag of a fascist country as your avatar and you blame Trump AND Putin for mass shootings in the US, and China for censorship in the west.


Get over yourself, the world of 8 billion people, of whom 7 billion live in the Global south, doesn't care about Ukraine (a far-right proxy of the imperialist west) - and all your crocodile tears and proclamations about how each of those 7 billion people are brainwashed and are not worth talking to, aren't going to change a single thing.


Ukraine and the collective west will lose this war, and this war won't end in Ukraine either (the west will lose other proxies too)."



Hey, thank you for your well thought opinion. the "imperialist west" (you talk about trump's america first supported by putin? ) and this "facist country" you talk about lived in fragile peace until 24. feb of 2022 by the way.
fragile since 2014 because russia's annexation of crimea 2014. the only facist action i can see is the russian invasion since feb 2022.
if your internet is censored you hopefully can click the wikipedia links to read the simple facts. if not you exactly know from now on who of us both is "brainwashed".
any more questions ?
no country is free of racists and facists. that you mention putin and trump in one sentence should be a warning for america. obviously actually the russians act like pure ignorant facists more than any other state in this world. your account shows that you are probably a russian friendly troll. it is self explanatory. a sad job you have to fullfill as a troll clown. you can spread my answer to all the other "one post trolls".
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"Imagine being so deranged that you have the flag of a fascist country as your avatar and you blame Trump AND Putin for mass shootings in the US, and China for censorship in the west.


Get over yourself, the world of 8 billion people, of whom 7 billion live in the Global south, doesn't care about Ukraine (a far-right proxy of the imperialist west) - and all your crocodile tears and proclamations about how each of those 7 billion people are brainwashed and are not worth talking to, aren't going to change a single thing.


Ukraine and the collective west will lose this war, and this war won't end in Ukraine either (the west will lose other proxies too)."



Hey, thank you for your well thought opinion. the "imperialist west" (you talk about trump's america first supported by putin? ) and this "facist country" you talk about lived in fragile peace until 24. feb of 2022 by the way.
fragile since 2014 because russia's annexation of crimea 2014. the only facist action i can see is the russian invasion since feb 2014.
if your internet is cencored you hopefully can click the wikipedia links to read the simple facts. if not you exactly know from now on who of us both is "brainwashed".
any more questions ?
no country is free of racists and facists. that you mention putin and trump in one sentence should be a warning for america. obviously actually the russians act like pure ignorant facists more than any other state in this world. your account shows that you are probably a russian friendly troll. it is self explanatory. a sad job you have to fullfill as a troll clown. you can spread my answer to all the other "one post trolls".


My thoughts would be: His ONE post here, is in this thread, spreading misinformation...... To me, that indicates the desperation of Russia, attempting to sway pubic opinion. Of course, the rest of the world actually gets real news, not the propaganda passed out by the Russian government. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Loved the cartoon in the series of pics. :) That is just spot on. :D


And yep, Russia got spanked, big time. Goes well with calls for him to retire, or be charged with treason, depending on which group of Russian politicians you want to listen to. :) Either way, I think his time is coming to an end, and so is the war. Of course, this only increases the odds that he will toss a nuke or two. It is patently obvious he is going to lose. There ain't no hidin' that any more. So, will he go quietly? Or kicking an screaming?

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  • 2 weeks later...

And about two weeks later.... Russia is getting seriously spanked in Ukraine, Putin is calling up 300K reserves, and folks are fleeing Russia like fleas off a dying dog. (which is pretty accurate.....) It will be weeks, if not months, before Putin's reserves can be put someplace where they might do some good.... but, little to no training, equipment from the Soviet Era, losing the support of the people, world opinion rising against him, more folks supporting Ukraine....... The writing is on the wall. When/if the reserves actually make it to Ukraine, and find themselves hopelessly outmatched and outgunned.... Then what? Will Putin take a page out of China's old book, and just throw soldiers at the line, whether they are armed or not? (you don't get a gun, pick one up from one of the corpses in front of you on your way to die needlessly.....)


I fully expect that the next couple months won't go any better for the Russian army, than the last couple months..... Will Putin start tossing nukes in a fit of rage?

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And yet again, Russia has threatened to use WMD if their losses in Ukraine get worse, or if the "West" provides additional support to Ukraine, or if the UN applies political sanctions against Russia in the Security Council.

Am I the only only one who thinks Putin behaves like a petulant toddler?

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And yet again, Russia has threatened to use WMD if their losses in Ukraine get worse, or if the "West" provides additional support to Ukraine, or if the UN applies political sanctions against Russia in the Security Council.


Am I the only only one who thinks Putin behaves like a petulant toddler?

Nope. You are not. :)


I just read an article this morning, about various propagandists on Russian television clarifying Putins position on the use of nukes. It appears they believe that the west assumes nukes will be used IN Ukraine, which they are saying is NOT the case. If Russia decides to start tossing nukes, it is Ukraines western allies that will be the target. I.E. US....... and other NATO countries that are providing support..... So, WWIII in one easy step.


I would like to think Putin isn't that crazy...... but, given past behavior, I am not so sure of that any more.....

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