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Ukrainian War: Prelude to Worse?


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And yet again, Russia has threatened to use WMD if their losses in Ukraine get worse, or if the "West" provides additional support to Ukraine, or if the UN applies political sanctions against Russia in the Security Council.


Am I the only only one who thinks Putin behaves like a petulant toddler?

Nope. You are not. :smile:


I just read an article this morning, about various propagandists on Russian television clarifying Putins position on the use of nukes. It appears they believe that the west assumes nukes will be used IN Ukraine, which they are saying is NOT the case. If Russia decides to start tossing nukes, it is Ukraines western allies that will be the target. I.E. US....... and other NATO countries that are providing support..... So, WWIII in one easy step.


I would like to think Putin isn't that crazy...... but, given past behavior, I am not so sure of that any more.....




Every time you agree with me, I have to go back and review my data, check my facts, and verify my sources. I know that if you agree with me, I obviously must be wrong or have made an error in my logic somewhere.

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And yet again, Russia has threatened to use WMD if their losses in Ukraine get worse, or if the "West" provides additional support to Ukraine, or if the UN applies political sanctions against Russia in the Security Council.


Am I the only only one who thinks Putin behaves like a petulant toddler?

Nope. You are not. :smile:


I just read an article this morning, about various propagandists on Russian television clarifying Putins position on the use of nukes. It appears they believe that the west assumes nukes will be used IN Ukraine, which they are saying is NOT the case. If Russia decides to start tossing nukes, it is Ukraines western allies that will be the target. I.E. US....... and other NATO countries that are providing support..... So, WWIII in one easy step.


I would like to think Putin isn't that crazy...... but, given past behavior, I am not so sure of that any more.....




Every time you agree with me, I have to go back and review my data, check my facts, and verify my sources. I know that if you agree with me, I obviously must be wrong or have made an error in my logic somewhere.


NO! You are WRONG!!!! :D


Just like even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in while, there ARE topics that we agree on. Shocking as that may seem, it is true.....

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that's how some debates often work: confirming right or wrong, truth or lie, respected or disrespected sources and to convince and to "win" with a battering ram instead of arguments or with common sense :smile:


and if putin will not stop this war and accept that there is no justification at all for his war and to kill russians and ukainians day by day there are only three possibilities:

1. things will get worse an we will have a global, maybe nuclear conflict for sure sooner or later and the world will and can never be the same as before.

2. putin dies and russia finds a way back within the world community instead of playing with ww2 two like facist attitudes and methods

3. world power and russian people power kicks putin somehow out of his bloody leadership


one thing is for sure: the world never let putin rule the world or to further ignore international law in this harsh way - the price is too high and our planet is no place for such stupid power games! even a simple mind knows that. i don't know what some people smoked at the 24th of feb in the cremlin . just a reminder: watch that interview

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No, stupid German! The West of the 4th Reich with its capital in Washington has dragged Russia into this war.) Nazi Russophobia dictated by the West starting with sports, television and radio broadcasting, medicine, the struggle with Russian culture, education, language... it can take a long time to list. It's off the charts. While Turkey destroys the Kurds with impunity and conducts regular punitive raids together with Azerbaijan on the territory of Armenia. A unipolar world?) No, you forgot the German... Ukraine is a part of Russia, and Russia will not give Russia to Baptists and Catholics for abuse.

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The West has made the first move since the Obama era. Along the way, conducting punitive bloody games in Iraq, Afghanistan, has already been developing moves to involve Russia in a big bloody conflict, but not to substitute the entire NATO alliance?! Georgia was the first probe, a lot of funds and weapons were invested there... but at the moment of the bloody massacre of Georgians with Western mercenaries of defenseless Ossetians and Abkhazians, Russia reacted too quickly and its tank army, having defeated the Georgians and mercenaries who had abandoned their weapons, rapidly moved to the capital of Georgia. The Americans quickly realized that the plan was so-so... The Caucasus is too far from NATO's rapid intervention! We moved on to plan 2. The Baltic States) but even here a blunder, no matter how many Americans and European leaders shouted that Russia was about to attack the poor Baltic States - this did not happen. Yes, they sponsored Russophobia there, yes they mocked immigrants from Russia as best they could, yes they issued passports "Not a citizen", yes they glorified the SS troops and blackened the Troops of the Soviet army that saved

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eastern Europe from fascism and it would seem that this should not happen again, but... the NATO alliance, do not forget that it is hostile to the built alliance to Russia from the very beginning of its creation... not caring about all the agreements and rules, there is simply no further to the borders of Russia (smart people will understand what Ukraine has to do with it, looking at least at the map where it is located and where the US and NATO bases are located in the World) and not smart people will continue to yell how arms supplies and gangs of mercenaries to Ukraine are needed, which is already what Russia is destroying the year.

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Personal opinion. This special operation of Russia in Ukraine can go on forever. And the West can also supply finances, weapons of mercenaries from Canada, England, Poland, Romania, the Baltic States (I recently learned from foreign news that NATO personnel soldiers were killed in Ukraine again, one Polish citizen from a foreign legion, another Englishman... the news was announced from the words of their parents) went to give away yes? Simply put, Russia is involved in a war with the entire NATO world there and it can last a very long time, it all depends on the dirty ambitions of the West to surround Russia with the NATO bloc, or a continuous war that they have beautifully arranged.

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I remember Obama was even awarded the Nobel Prize for the carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan, from which the United States fled in disgrace... and along the way, Arab refugees poured in after them, who will come and come to Europe, which helped the United States to bomb them so much. It would seem absurd and unacceptable to involve NATO in Ukraine, but insanity is off the scale. You give the Third World War... and we will blame everything on Russia, simultaneously stuffing Ukraine with everything possible so that the bloodbath would not stop there... and the result will be the same, NATO is fleeing even from Iraq, and Russia has nowhere to run.. they will stand until the last!

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