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Ukrainian War: Prelude to Worse?


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You are passing off the nonsense fabricated by the West as Russian news. I'm from Russia myself and I know what I'm saying. Russia has clearly made it clear firsthand starting officially... that nuclear, atomic, and even chemical and biological weapons and even a hydrogen bomb will be used if something threatens Russia's security and sovereignty, any nuclear power, including the United States, speaks similarly.

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get informed. the world, the un, and the 144 states against 5 (including russia and north korea) is no nonsense but the simple truth, educate yourself about international law and save your power for saving lives instead your cheap kremlin propaganda nobody can take serious anymore. the in the meantime the kemlin system arrests even own russian supporters. have a nice sunday evening and be aware not to say a wrong word.


it was putins lonely decision to treat ukrainians like dirt and his enemies - no one else! you seem to sympathize with that (propaganda diven?).

instead to chose a peaceful path and negotiations he decided the second time to ignore international law and to unleash an aggression.

ukrainians decided to fight for their ground, homes and their families. i doubt anyone can forbid that and can stop them to do that. it is simply their right.

do you really think russia has the right to extinguish ukraine as a nation? what are you smoking the whole day long?

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The American colonial World and the UN?)) Where was the World and the UN when the US dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Where was the world and the UN when the US bombed Vietnam, Panama, Somalia, Argentina, where was the world and the UN during the conflict in Cuba? Where was the World when the US took over the Hawaiian Islands? Where was the World when the US bombed and tore apart Yugoslavia and Korea? Where was the world and the UN when the US staged a massacre in Iraq and Afghanistan?) And where is the World now?!) I will be responsible for the United States and the UN, they are in Ukraine and doing everything to ensure that the bloodbath does not end!

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That's what you smoked, and most importantly where you smoked.. not knowing anything about Ukraine from the word at all.) I bet you don't know that Kiev has been shelling Lugansk and Donetsk for many years? I bet you don't know how it started? I bet you don't even know that Kiev is shelling Russian territories (Belgorod and Kursk regions)? I bet even your media didn't report to you that the attacks were long before the Russian special operation? I wouldn't even be surprised that you don't know who sponsored all this and continues to sponsor it... starting with Russophobia, substitution of history, struggle with Russian speech, culture, heritage... and so on and so forth? So what did you smoke and where?)

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Я даже не удивлюсь, прочитав, что вы не только не в курсе всех событий, но даже не представляете, сколько людей было эвакуировано в Россию из Луганской, Донецкой и Запорожской областей... люди бежали от украинских снарядов, которыми Киев щедро осыпал их с помощью иностранных наемников (солдат НАТО в овечьей шкуре). Вы слишком далеки от всего этого... вы даже не знаете о событиях под Херсоном, толпах украинцев, которые сказали "НЕТ" Западу, и бандам убийц, насильников и русофобов... пришлось бежать в Россию. Хорошо, что у них было время. Под изюмом европейскими бандами была расстреляна целая колонна мирных жителей... на пути в Россию.

Edited by Aleksei81ru
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Я даже не удивлюсь, прочитав, что вы не только не в курсе всех событий, но даже не представляете, сколько людей было эвакуировано в Россию из Луганской, Донецкой и Запорожской областей... люди бежали от украинских снарядов, которыми Киев щедро осыпал их с помощью иностранных наемников (солдат НАТО в овечьей шкуре). Вы слишком далеки от всего этого... вы даже не знаете о событиях под Херсоном, толпах украинцев, которые сказали "НЕТ" Западу, и бандам убийц, насильников и русофобов... пришлось бежать в Россию. Хорошо, что у них было время. Под изюмом европейскими бандами была расстреляна целая колонна мирных жителей... на пути в Россию.

Wow, the Russian trollskys have even made it to Nexus??? I am impressed. That is sinking pretty farking low.


So, let me tell ya what it is, like it is. Putin invaded Ukraine to 'de-nazify' it, supposedly. Considering Zelenski is Jewish, that was the obvious first (of many) lies. His initial intention was to take ALL of Ukraine, he flatly stated that. He also said it would be over in a week. Well, here we are 9 months later, and not only is Ukraine NOT under Russian control, the Ukraine army has pushed the INVADERS back to almost the original starting lines. Russia is getting spanked, they had to call up 300,000 more men, that they couldn't even supply properly. They are getting soviet-era equipment, and a lot of it, they have to pay for themselves. No. It can't go on forever. Russia is going to run out of ammo, and vehicles, and in the not to distant future. They keep doing stupid stuff like blowing up dams, and they will get a taste of what an ACTUAL NATO attack looks like. Right now, its just the Ukrainian army, and volunteers from just about everywhere. If NATO gets involved, two possible results. The war is over in a few days, with Russia getting spanked like a red-headed step-child, or, Russia launches a nuke, and the whole world goes up in flames.

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no russophobia at all i can say to all my russian friends, some living in germany, just to breath the air of free speech, like my neighbor.

violent russian criminals or rapists or soldiers mutated to such a kind of people treating humans like dirt are treated by me like the kremlin circle. acting as criminals or supporting them - no contact at all from my side.


so kremlinophobia - yes, if i see this war going on for no reason at all. i can see russians fleeing in masses out of their own country (if they can, many are stopped). you miss simply all important points and you will in future as long as you take kremlin bulls*** propaganda serious. you sound young and naiv. all nations made big mistakes in the past. west, east, south and north. world history is full of such examples. is that a valid argument to just repeat these mistakes after the cold war to begin a new one just to save putins presidency?


i know it is an impossible mission to make a kremlin fan boy think straight. even kyrill acts like brain washed antichrist, talking about putins "holy mission". it sounds like trumps conspirational "maga" policy. ask the pope and watch free press what this mission really is.


yes also ukraine had it's weak points and not only one or two but it deserves respect as a nation like russia does (even while a small circle of russians is spreading de-nazify lies and propaganda in the world using nazi propaganda tactics as a blueprint) - what makes you or putin believe the kremlin has the right to trample down international law established, validated and respected all over the world since the "after ww2 era" ?. corruption is not and was never just a ukraine specific phenomenon. we all know that. and to pull that argument as a citizen of one of the most corrupt nations with severely restricted human rights and a not existing free opposition like in nazi germany sounds just like a really bad joke.


the kremlin plays god who decides between good and evil in the ukraine and the world reacts and says simply no to ignoring and trampling written international law.

this exactly happened obviously 2014 with crimea annexation and also since 24 feb, 2022 as the unleashed russian bloody aggression and still lasting war against ukraine as a whole nation including torturing and raping civilians on their own ground.


your and the kremlins ignorance and your "god like" arguments (because you obviously have no fact based) is just stunning and a slap in the face to any intelligent and thinking person acknowledging basic human rights.

again: make your homework instead of trolling, think and reflect before you post and present valid arguments for your straw man position if you find any.


thank you for attention or more probably your ignorance as a troll or straw man.

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Do you understand what you're talking about? And what does Zelensky's nationality have to do with it, are you a Nazi? Like any Russophobe from the NATO bloc, or the fascist regime that is sponsored by the West in Ukraine?) What is NATO, who will spank? The maximum that NATO can do is supply Ukraine with new gangs and trade NATO weapons there that fall into all hands. Already in the early days, the Wahhabis and the Taliban boasted about some of the weapons they had inherited... and Russia, after the destruction of mercenary gangs of formations, even demonstrated a museum of all kinds of weapons in Lugansk and Donetsk. Where are you going with some Jews?.. there are many nationalities living in Russia, including a huge Jewish diaspora.

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International law?! Listen to what right you are talking about... about what supported the bombing of Vietnam, Yemen, Panama, Cuba, Korea, Iran, Lebanon, Argentina, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan... I have just listed only part of the actions of the bloody, just regime you have established... on account of which the death of millions of people on the planet and the broken destinies of many tens of millions. Are you in your right mind with such a right to prove something after the recent shameful flight from Iraq and Afghanistan, for the sake of unleashing a new bloodbath in Ukraine?)

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you have the silly dreams of a little Fuhrer.) So far, Russia is spanking the entire NATO bloc, in other words, the entire Russophobic Nazi World and note alone.))) Yesterday, for example, Russian special forces killed a Pole and an Englishman, their deaths were reported in foreign media by their parents who were shown bastards from NATO... the first was from the foreign legion shot near Bakhmat, the second was torn apart in shreds of artillery of the Lugansk defense near the Belgorod region... he was an active soldier in the British army.) So think about whether it's worth taking such guys prisoner to a Russian soldier at all?)

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