XanAlderon Posted April 6, 2009 Share Posted April 6, 2009 Once as a weak character I had an epic battle with the guards, they beat me senseless so I ran out of Skingrad and into a nearby cave. All six of them followed me in so I tried to lose them in the cave, several were caught up battling creatures but one kept on me. I ran out of the the cave and all the way to Chorrol, this guy still chasing me. I ended up at weynon priory, where I managed to finish him off, the various animals and bandits had weakened him considerably. Then again it wasn't really a battle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xxXEvandarXxx Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 I downloaded the Haunted House mod by WillieSea yesterday. It took 27 minutes to kill the Death Mage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unavi Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 I had trouble with Selene, the leader of the Blackwater Brigands. Due to the low stamina i had at that level (not sure whic but less then 10) i was on the floor constantly. It wasn't that long but it took some time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lezard_valeth21 Posted April 9, 2009 Share Posted April 9, 2009 midas magic--> balrog. im the usual " CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGEEEE!!!" kind of player a strategy that those who played midas magic know doesnt work against the balrog. i repeatedly hitted him with a sword and saw now change to his HP bar first i thought "well maybe he has a humongous amount of HP thats why i dont see any change" after about 10 minutes and many restore health spells(that balrog hits hard!) i said "OK this isnt working" and i tried casting a low destruction spell and saw that affected him. i had a low level on destruction and few midas spell (dumb character oriented to brute force rather than magic casting lol) so it took me about an hour to beat him. now a long epic battle was against achilles (added by a mod with the same name), i fought him before deciding to drop shields for offhand weapons. it was an epic gladiator battle he rapidly depleted my life bar and i had to take potions for the first time in my whole oblivion gaming. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eshenaleros Posted April 9, 2009 Share Posted April 9, 2009 I finally killed the bandit! I feel like dancing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lezard_valeth21 Posted April 9, 2009 Share Posted April 9, 2009 Eshenaleros said: I finally killed the bandit! I feel like dancing! lol i just read your problem with that bandit. chicken from family guy lol i laughed with that. congratulations on defeating him *victory fanfare plays*... or did you?:P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eshenaleros Posted April 9, 2009 Share Posted April 9, 2009 I sure as oblivion hope i did. he was starting to get really annoying Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wasder Posted April 9, 2009 Share Posted April 9, 2009 I don't have a great deal of trouble with most things, and my slider is at 3/4. Stealth is the shizz people! However, My fight with Umbra was fun, and probably the longest I've had, at about 5-10 minutes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iavor55 Posted April 10, 2009 Share Posted April 10, 2009 probably my longest fight was with the highway man that i kept trying to push off the bridge using force burst but he kept falling off and imediatly returning to his previus position standing!after 5-10 mins o trying i got bored and cut his head off...for some reason my guy kills all kinds of enemys prety quickly...probably because im selective bout wepaons and enchantments.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lezard_valeth21 Posted April 11, 2009 Share Posted April 11, 2009 or maybe cause your using god weapons :P ok i got a new long fight. gates to aesgard episode 1: fight against the 2 generals JUST before you leave aesgard(so that losing is even more bitter). even more annoying a couple of cursed knights decided to crash on the party, my potions stock was low at that moment and midas magic werent so effective against them. i had to resort to attacking one of those xivilai gods so that he started launching fireball which dealed a lot of damage to the generals and knights...of course after that came the marathon to get the xivilai god out of my back(i didnt want to risk accessing the portal while the xivilai was after me just in case if he teleported alongside me into tamriel, would have been funny though:P). aeesgard had really long epic battles, though i think ill take a break before playing the 2nd episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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