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Standard webpage?


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Any chance of the site being changed so its compatible with the W3C standards? Mainly so the frames etc don't mess up in any other browser. I can't see the point of the site only looking good in IE. BTW, this isn't directed as a flame, just a concern. :P
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Site looks fine to me in FireFox..my standard browser.


I make sure my sites are both IE and FireFox compliant..but not W3C compliant since (1) Dreamweaver often doesn't like the W3C compliant code (go figure). And since Dreamweaver has a lovely WYSIWG feature it means I don't have to keep alt, down, enter, alt+tab and F5ing to see the site and (2) because it isn't really necessary

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This is how they look for me:




Try browing the site for a minute (outside of the forums) normally seems to cause it to happen, but this time it was like that as soon as I opened it. And why not just use notepad for html editing anyways? It's normally faster, and way more powerful/cheaper...

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