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You know you've been playing too much with mods when...


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You've modded your build so much that you reach the '....where the hell did THAT come from?...' point.

Oh yeah, after installing a couple quest mods I usually call "gbo" on everything from the console to see which mod it belongs to xD

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You know, when i started modding it was hard, i even broke my old monitor out of frustration. On and off i've spent about 1 year modding the perfect game. I lost count on how many mods i've stuffed in my LO but i estimate 400-500.


Well here's my two cents, may not be as good as the rest but it comes from personal experience:


You know you've been playing too much with mods when: (i think it only applies to me, tho)


* You start seeing real life objects like meshes and textures. (Sometimes)


* You can name all the big mod authors and their respective works.


* You feel completely lost in 100% vanilla game. (What do you mean Varmint rifle has 5.56 ammo and i can have up to 2 companions?)


* Mini heart attack with every random CTD (Was this random crash or i messed up big time with this mod??)


* (While loading game with your freshly baked mod) Please no purple textures...Please no purple textures...


* Your FNV Data folder weights 20-30GB+ and you suddenly realize vanilla fallout weights...uhh 5gb or something?


* And probably the scariest for me: I was watching a vintage italian movie on tv and it was dubbed to english, for a couple of seconds i watched the actors and thought "lame mod, totally out of lip-sync." And then i realized what i became.


* You created this awesome weapon. Time to kill everyone in Goodsprings for testing. Maybe even Resurrect some of them for extra pleasure.

Edited by cccddd123
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When you look for neck seams on people in real life.


When you have hundreds of hours in a game you hate just because you neded to play some new mods.


When you have more fun playing the mod minigame of getting everything installed and arranged perfectly than you do in the actual game.

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I know I've been playing with mods too much when:

1: I play the vanilla fallout and start to wonder "Where the bloody heck is Willow/Amy Wong/Jessi/Niner/ Insert-name-of-current-companion-here"

2: I start telling a friend who plays the same game on console about a fun moment I had with Willow, and she goes all "Who's Willow?" On me.

3: When I tell my dad about an awesome moment in a game, it's not from vanilla game, it's from a mod.

4: When I look at the standard guns and go "What is this WW2 BS? Where's my Ultra-Tacti-Cool M4/AK/MP5/Insert-name-of-ultramodern-firearm-here"

5: You see an awesome weapon on the site, download and install it, but then find out you already had that mod installed. Whoopsy.

6: You play vanilla Fallout and wonder why the nuclear wasteland is so empty, weren't there more trade caravans/soldiers/enemies/random insects?

7: You start to base real life situations in Fallout logic or happenings. Example: I really like this M14 I found... how much does it cost? *Goes on internet* Wow, a real life M14 is redunculously expensive...; or "Well, Niner always told me to have fun..."

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  • 6 months later...

11. When telling someone about the game, you talk about your favourite lightsaber colour, or about your squad of Clone Troopers, or about your playing a pointy-eared science officer in a blue Star Trek uniform, or such.


12. When playing an actual Star Wars game like SWTOR, you complain about not being able to just edit your lightsaber colour like in New Vegas.


13. You find that professionally made companions with back stories and all from Bioware are good and fine, but you wish they were more interesting and had more stuff to say, like Willow/Vilja/etc, or were more flexible and configurable, like Brisa/Gilbert/etc.


(I swear it actually happened.)

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