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Vortex bricked my Skyrim SE install


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Not sure exactly what happened here but my Skyrim SE install is bricked, even after uninstalling anything that wasn't a texture/mesh mod, including all mods I had downloaded + installed since the last known functioning install of Skyrim SE.


Still in the process of trying to fix this disaster...but Vortex may need some debugging on the developer side of things...if it's derping up this badly...not sure it's a pebkac on my end. This is the 1st time I've ever had Vortex screw the pooch this badly - and the result was pretty much the worst thing that could have happened outside of hardware failure.


I also get a lot of failed to parse warnings and constant prompts to give Vortex admin privilege/plugins which are not being uninstalled properly (they'll show as disabled, not uninstalled) with outright orphaned animation files that Nemesis reads. The parsing error I suspect comes from Vortex trying to do everything at once instead of queuing commands to uninstall mods.


If you need any logs or whatever, I'm happy to provide them.


EDIT: after uninstalling basically all my mods, my install is still bricked. I will have to fresh install, reinstall all my mods and pray that the Nexus Collections I am subscribed to will still work even though I didn't renew my premium this last month or 3. If a mod reads this please PM me to discuss this further.

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Guest deleted34304850

i'd like to try and help but you've offered nothing tangible.

however - if you want to get back to a clean skyrim install - purge all your mods in vortex - select them all purge them all.

then delete your data folder in your skyrim se directory.

then use steam to validate your game files.


when that's done - you have a clean install. start the game make sure it works. done.


once you've done that, you can slowly start to mod your game. personally, i'd avoid collections like the plague - install a single mod - make sure it works, repeat to fade.

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