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Question about Oblivion moding


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Forgive me for interfering with the mod maker forums, but I have one question on my mind.

  1. First, is there a limit to the size of mods and what they change? Can Havok handle more changes and detail?
  2. Secondly, let's be honest, the problem with oblivion is not only outdated meshes and textures, but also in the landscape itself, it's too...empty. Walking through skyrim and looking closely, you constantly notice little details, whether it's a wand under a tree or a small, already dried up, bush, while in oblivion, if you turn off the grass (which also does not help as much as it could), you just you will see a texture stretched over a bunch of... a bunch. Oblivion is too smooth, our mountains look like a mound of earth that a child made.

I love Oblivion, perhaps among the last three he is my favorite, but I can't close my eyes to what the game loses to the "younger"


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Bethesda did cheat some when they made the landscape, generated a lot of it. I guess some modder's tried to change that, if you peek at Nexus and you can also change it your self for sure but I like the Oblivion landscape but I am also so used to it, it does not bother me much. Both games has their charm and so have Daggerfall and Morrowind too. I play all 4 by the way, Daggerfall Unity fully modded.


I am not sure what you mean with outdated meshes? My latest ones are not outdated for sure. :D My first from 2005 is however, but I still use meshes I made 2006 really. I do not think a mesh for Oblivion will ever get outdated. I do play Skyrim 2-4 days a week and mod and play Oblivion the rest of the week. It is 2 different games and I sure got ideas from Skyrim that we will implement.


1. The Legacy of the Champion is influenced by the Legacy of the Dragonborn. Soon to be released.

2. The Market Stand, is influenced by the Market Stall. I start with this when the other one is released.


I am not sure what you wanna do really but do you really wanna change the landscape? There must be more productive things to do really. I guess it will take you years to do it.

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  On 6/7/2022 at 5:27 PM, Pellape said:


I am not sure what you wanna do really but do you really wanna change the landscape? There must be more productive things to do really. I guess it will take you years to do it.

it may take a long time ALONE, but this is my weak point. From a distance, they look more or less normal, but up close... let's just say, even the stones don't help completely.

And I spoke not only about the shape of the landscape, but also about its detail. From the details in the forest, I can remember rare logs, flowers/mushrooms (what is harvested) and grass. And secluded houses and settlements, yeah. Plus, moving away from the theme of the landscape, looking at the Niben River, I don’t see a river, at most an oblong lake. The more I pass by it, the more difficult it is for me to ignore the lack of a visible flow and some kind of "transition". Guess skyrim messed me up, yeah


  On 6/7/2022 at 5:27 PM, Pellape said:


1. The Legacy of the Champion is influenced by the Legacy of the Dragonborn. Soon to be released.

2. The Market Stand, is influenced by the Market Stall. I start with this when the other one is released.

Sounds interesting if I understand correctly


  On 6/7/2022 at 5:27 PM, Pellape said:


I am not sure what you mean with outdated meshes? My latest ones are not outdated for sure. :D My first from 2005 is however, but I still use meshes I made 2006 really. I do not think a mesh for Oblivion will ever get outdated. I do play Skyrim 2-4 days a week and mod and play Oblivion the rest of the week. It is 2 different games and I sure got ideas from Skyrim that we will implement.

Well, my words about the grids are based on the fact that I play without changes due to the technical limitations of a laptop released a little later than the game, as well as my impossibility to install the OSCE without "it is impossible to determine your version" and, if it did succeed, "impossibility enter dll" if I install a mod or plugin that uses the OSCE (maybe this is due to the temporary use of the pirated version, due to my current dependence on my parents and their finances (I would have never been given money for "such stupidity" before, but with an indefinite the situation in the country and the future closure of the father’s work, all the more))

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Well to me it sounds like you need a retexture really. Qarls where made 2006-2007 and is still the best one. And it will run nice on your laptop. When Qarl made them, he made 2k textures but this package is 1k textures. he taught me loads of stuff and he passed away 10 years ago. One of the hreatest modders ever really. Hes textures gives everything a new life, even the dungeons and I tried many different dungeon textures but none is as good as his is for Oblivion.


For the WIP's on my projects, see our Oblivion Mod Talk forum and there you can put your own WIP as well.


Changes does not mean lower performance, not always. if you install higher poly or higher res textures yes, otherwise no. performance is everything to me. Bad scripting might lower performance too. I know myself how to script and keep high performance. Pekka at my list of mods you must run to get a stable game and if you install a mod that will give your laptop problems, well uninstall it. Easy as that. :)


Here is my list of must to have mods.

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Landscape will be propably always problem with Oblivion, but with patience and time I believe you can do something, even with your old laptop and without OBSE. There are offerings of textures and meshes here, which can sometimes work wonders. But one can't forget that Oblivion is a game released about 2006-2007, for computers and consoles far weaker than today's. Skyrim is far better in graphics but for me also much worse in its RPG part. Perk system looks for me very weak, like some old action-adventure.

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The vanilla content is better in Oblivion than it is in Skyrim, if we take the 4 main guilds in count only and the main story.


What I really like with Skyrim is the DLC and mod content that is much better mostly. I will give some examples.

I can make a huge list of very very good content and I can also make a huge list of good content for any TES 2-5 really. It is the DLC and mod content I play. I did become a member of Winterhold 2 days ago, to get access to the spells but I do not know when I will play it. TG is best however from the vanilla guilds and I love this mod called Opulent Thieves Guild, so i also installed a friendlier TG alternative called Thieves Guild For Good Guys - Taking Care of Business Redux that I started to play this weekend. Trying to get my hands of the Fox Cowl now, so I have not tricked Nedusai in the Riften market so he gets jailed, as i will follow the alternative path.


Otherwise I love everything hunting.

  • Hunterborn
  • Frostfall
  • Camping

So I spend a lot of time skinning preys, cooking food and do Primitive Cooking and Crafting, living in tents or under the stars, even if I own my whole town called Blackthorn.


So AntonFire? Did OBSE really do bad performance for your laptop? How much RAM does it have? You should get above 4Gb RAM, up to 8Gb really and make sure you patched Oblivion to use 4Gb instead of the standard 2Gb. Adding more RAM to a laptop is easy and I never seen any that do not have a small hatch on the backside where you add more RAM. You just snap it in when it is powered down and start it and it will run like the wind. It is mostly low RAM that makes any computer to run slow, as it then use the harddrive as extra RAM. No slow computers where made 2005 as far as i know, just computers with low RAM. Most of them are also prepared for another Graphic cards as well. Just adding a simple NVIDIA and RAM to it will do wonders.


So what is my thoughts about DB in Skyrim? I am very split really. As they do not have their hearts into the believes in the Night Mother, they are nothing else than simple murderers in my eyes. The guild is long gone dead and the guild only have one single pure member and that is Cicero. I will never kill him again and i regret the last time I did that, the only one that really cares about the DB.




It would had been fun to really convince the guild members of the Night Mother, instead of killing them and that made me a bit pissed of. Okay we do purge the guild in oblivion as well, but that did hurt more as they where all believers and pure DB. never the less, i do prefer TG. DB is not my thing, even if I had fun doing it in Oblivion.

Edited by Pellape
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Regarding your first question, the answer will be quite peculiar. Surely Gamebryo (Havok handles collisions and physics) can handle more detail, but it solely depends on your computer/laptop's resources. If your laptop is really that old as you speak, then you can't afford much, I'm afraid. There are however also mods which focuses to bring performance or fixing bugs and they are OBSE mostly like Oblivion Stutter Remover, Display Tweaks (both contains 64Hz fix for example, which will make graphics render smoother), Engine Bug Fixes (I think the name speaks for itself). There are also "Low poly" mods for grass and trees.


For OBSE plugins I strongly advise to read their documentation carefully, because they are often cutting deeply to the engine and must be carefully configured to work properly with others.

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Of course Oblivion graphics will always look "old"... The game was released in 2006. I still think Oblivion graphics can look good with a little oomph. The game has a certain style to it. There are many texture packs on Nexus you can try, although they might cause an FPS hit if you're playing on an old laptop. Try this one, it doesn't cause any FPS hit.

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