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Seriously, how in DENIAL is everyone on these forums?


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INSANITY: "Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result." Most people are insane on here.


What I have been observing for the past 3 weeks on these forums. Is constant posts about CTD's, Freezing.


People have been giving the same advice over and over and over again and nothing works.


What makes me laugh is people on these forums say:


1. Post your mods.

2. Then the responder goes to blame one of the mods.

3. The person deactivates there mod, and the game still has issues, so they they blame there save game.

4. OP says "it's a clean save."

5. Responder: "Try ENBboost"

6. OP "Umm, the new ENB has boost built into it."

7. Responder "Reinstall Skyrim."


That is pretty much the same pattern, over and over and over again.


Seriously guys, this is not working. The game is broken, plain and simple. With Bethesda not patching this, everyone is pretty much screwed.


I have never seen such a group of people defend a game like it's their gift from God.


The game is INHERENTLY FLAWED. People are getting these issues with VANILLA Skyrim, on some VERY strong rigs. You can't exactly disable "no mods" for the game to work can you?


Why is everyone in such denial the game engine is completely broken and unstable. Especially since the Dragonborn DLC and the 1.9 patch?


Most MODders have moved on or given up on there projects because of this. Yet there is a group of people here, that think this game is flawless and there is nothing wrong with it.


DENIAL: "Don't Even Know I Am Lying."

Edited by linkjoy123
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You seem angry because you posted a 6 screens long list of "most popular" mods and asked if there might be conflicts, without giving any sort of information whatsoever, and got trolled as a result and then you shifted into passive aggressive mode for your next 3 posts.

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What I find amusing is when people try to make the claim that "most" modders have abandoned Skyrim. This is provably fallacious. The Skyrim modding community is still thriving almost two years after the game was released.


No one here claims that Skyrim is without flaws. It's a Bethesda product. And whether they have the right to depend on the modding community to fix their oversights or not is a matter for another thread entirely. But don't come here and accuse the hundreds of daily active users of somehow deluding themselves. Just because you don't know how to properly and safely mod your game does not mean that the game itself is inherently broken.

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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Most MODders have moved on or given up on there projects because of this. Yet there is a group of people here, that think this game is flawless and there is nothing wrong with it.


For someone who has only just signed up here you sure pretend to know an awful lot about the modding community.


Whats the use of mods?



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Most MODders have moved on or given up on there projects because of this. Yet there is a group of people here, that think this game is flawless and there is nothing wrong with it.


For someone who has only just signed up here you sure pretend to know an awful lot about the modding community.


Whats the use of mods?






Post counts do not reflect technical knowledge......


There are many other games that have Mods..


Just because they are new does not make them a Moron.

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I've been here a lot longer than you linkjoy, and about 75% of the problems people encounter are based on user modification, whether that's a shady ini tweak someone assured them would increase performance, disregard for Skyrim's RAM limit, or a more conventional plugin.


Another 10% are people with business PCs that think just because their PC is a Dell, it should run games.


Roughly 15% of people posting about problems are using the vanilla game, and that crap-out rate is because Skyrim runs on a modified engine from 2002 that was merely passable back then.



I'm not a die-hard Skyrim fan. I think Dark Souls is better and Skyrim is a lazy rehash of Oblivion from 7 years ago. It's fortunate I loved Oblivion or I would hate Skyrim.

However, it's simply false to say that most modders have given up on Skyrim, and it's just as false to say the game is broken. Skyrim often has a dozen new mods posted in a day. Those are numbers that no other game can match at the present time, and the majority of users, especially if they stick mostly to the vanilla game, do not encounter serious problems with Skyrim.


Over the course of 4000 Nexus posts and a mod nearing 1k endorsements, that's been my conclusion. Now, what other brilliant wisdom do you need to impart from your 4 posts?

Edited by Rennn
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I gotta agree with this guy (on one...and an obvious point), the game is broke and the responses are always the same and usually to no avail....buttttt


I have the worst OCD for mods, i think i finally have a set of mods that look awesome and seem "stable", then its 3am in the morning, im bored, watching youtube and scrolling through mods which i have seen and contemplated many times before, then BAM i go and download a mod which most likely i have used before and know screws my game up, but no i go and do it again and screw my game up, fml


Please tell me you guys are like this, its like a never ending pursue to get more mods to make an already nice looking game look better but end up just screwing things up that were already fine


Im just gonna take the blame off myself and say the game is "broke"(well...it kinda is but i think i make it ...broke..err?)....totally not cause my impulse to mod it constantly


Its pretty obvious modders haven't abandoned skyrim, in a way since skyrims game-play isn't all that challenging..i think people mod it...now thats a real challenge...if anyone here has a 100% stable "heavy" modded game you deserve a gigantic chocolate chip internet cookie with sprinkles on the top, ive heard its still up for grab though


Maybe one day we can have a TES game that was purposely built for modding....but for now im just gonna push this one fast what it can handle then cry myself to sleep when i get crashes and freezes..lifes hard :facepalm:


that's my rant for the day ...im out :pirate:

Edited by djf23
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