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Kinda what i thought, will have to invest in 16GB or even 32GB


It's your memory. Mods like that eat system memory like candy.


Boosting up your windows swap file can help a lot, but more system RAM would be the better choice.

Kinda thought it would be memory, looks like i have to sweet talk the wife into letting me upgrade again.

thats not goiing to help you. you can have all the ram on the planet it wont make a difference, its a game engine limitation.


look for mods like baka scrapheap and buffout4 that can help the engine deal with the hot mess that is sim settlements 2 - or better still, avoid it like the plague because it's so bloated as to not even be funny.


all you're going to do is install it then play "how long before the next crash". then when you get it stable, an update will come out that fixes 1 bug and brings in 20 more - take a look at the shitshow that was this weekend's release where they forgot workshop framework needed an esm flag and broke mcm .......same show every update. its comedy gold.

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Yeah, but some people have restrictions put in place. Especially if they ever listened to an old "optimization" guide for Windows.

What's really funny is, if windows runs out of swap space, it becomes REALLY unstable.... and if your system is marginal for what you are trying to do anyway.... it actually does more harm than good. :D

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There was a time where Windows swap file optimization was terrible, so it was quite common for people to suggest putting in a large fixed size swap file to avoid the issues. But what used to be large is now far too small and windows handles it well.


Yet, I still see people blithely following advice they googled without regard for the date it was issued. Like when you see someone ask how they can defrag their SSD drive.

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There was a time where Windows swap file optimization was terrible, so it was quite common for people to suggest putting in a large fixed size swap file to avoid the issues. But what used to be large is now far too small and windows handles it well.


Yet, I still see people blithely following advice they googled without regard for the date it was issued. Like when you see someone ask how they can defrag their SSD drive.

I do computer repair fora living, so, yeah.... I get some REALLY odd requests fairly regularly.....


I don't think I have tweaked the swap file since Windows XP...... Though, I skipped vista.... and jumped to 7 from xp. I hated windows 8 with a passion, (still do) and never did anything with it. If a customer machine comes in with 8, I recommend upgrading to 10.... MS is still be fairly friendly about upgrades, and you can install the same version (home or pro) using the old license key, so, the customer just pays our labor for the upgrade.


And then we have the folks that bring their machines in, and say something like "Well, x person did an 'upgrade' for me, and now it won't work." Like, converting all the harddrives to dynamic disks, which windows can't boot from. :D

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Well i don't know anything about 'windows swap file' so i upgraded my memory to 12gb, adjusted the ingame sim settlements 2 options and disabled the hi-res graphics pack from beth.net as ss2 help forum states that this causes an issue with there mod. So far everything is running smoothly, but we will see when my settlements start to grow bigger, i capped 3 of my settlements to 20 for now, will up that as i go just to see if i have any issues. Thanks for all the help guys, really appreciate it

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