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ESO monthly fee


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It will be great! If ESO is like Guild Wars 2 just pay the game and no monthly fee also you could still support and help the developers with cash shop. Showing MMO doesn't need monthly fee.


Sadly MMO is a repeatable chore game even with unique quest features of Guild wars 2 people would find an exploit to lvl up and farm item and most of the areas are deserted.


Endgame and PVP is the only way you could truly enjoyed MMO sadly SWTOR and most MMO failed it.

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You have to pay for an online game! There are no free games, either you pay up front or they try to milk you for money during the game, or they sell adverts in game.


I rather pay up front because that means they will not try to milk the game play, and it will keep away the kiddies.


and 15 a month is like what 0.50 a day if you can not afford that.... well stop playing and get a job.


Very well put.


Eve is starting to get pretty stale now and CCP seem to be going back to their arrogant old ways, so I'll happily drop a couple of accounts there to give this a try

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If you read what people have to say about the cost of this game, you will find out that a lot of them who were interested in buying it have changed their minds. It's little short from fact that ESO is going to suffer from whats being asked for it... Edited by RixIpos
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Wait, you mean people are surprised that an MMO has an unreasonable monthly fee?


I've always been completely and entirely against the whole notion of MMOs. Unless the game itself is 100% free, I refuse to pay a monthly fee just for the privilege of being allowed to keep playing it. It's very little better than out and out robbery.


I agree. It seems like a monthly fee would be wasteful for someone like me who plays games inconsistently. One month I'd play constantly and another very sparsely. This is why I never bothered with MMOs.


This is exactly my viewpoint. I'm a family man, with a full time job (a status I'm sure most of you are in). I can't consistently sit down and play games. Some weeks I get to play an hour a night, other times it can be weeks between sessions. The subscription based MMO framework just isn't practical for that lifestyle. It's for this reason alone that for the thirteen years I've been playing games (even as a teenager) I never played MMO's, in fact I devoutly refused to play them. It's only now that Free-2-Play is becoming more common that I have any interest in venturing into the MMO arena, and that is only because of long loved IP's like Star Wars and The Elder Scrolls. I'm considering playing The Old Republic, and I'll almost certainly play TESO, IF it becomes F2P. I will never subscribe to an MMO. I will of course buy the odd things ingame, to support the game. I don't expect anything for free.

Edited by Daiyus
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It will probably go F2P within a year after release, sort of like SWTOR (boring game) and TERA.


A cash shop would be a good idea. The devs I think can make more money with a cash shop. People buy items from the cash shop and sell them for in game gold instead of relying on gold farmers

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Reasons for P2P:

- Less people that shouldn't be playing. I mean it. If you can't afford it, you shouldn't spend time playing :/

- Most likely no "BUY s#*! FROM US TO GAIN SUPER STUFF!!", like SWTOR.

- They gain a monthly payment, meaning they can update more consistently. Because, you know, they know how much money they can spend on updates and upgrades per month.

- If you are not old enough to have a credit card, you should not be old enough to spam me in chat. Okay? ...

- Less bots.

- They can afford a better anti-hack system, since they can keep it up via monthly payment.


Reasons for F2P:

- It's free. I guess.

- I don't know.



So yeah, I'm for the payment.

Again, if you can't afford to pay a certain monthly fee, you should focus on other things than gaming a MMO. Perhaps get a budget?

If you don't got the time to play a MMO, why play it?


Chances are ESO will go F2P in the end anyways. It won't thrive long enough to stay P2P. Note, I am not saying it will die. But it will go down as SWTOR, RIFT, Warhamme and about every other MMO out there. It will have a playerbase, but it won't be extreme.

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