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I don't associate with Nazis


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The Nazis wore their style of swastika all over their clothing and bodies. If the symbol was on the chest piece you'd have complained. If it was on a helmet, you'd complain. If it was on his crotch, you'd complain. If it was on a necklace, like the one shown earlier from ancient Iran, you'd complain. The placement isn't the issue. Don't try and make it one.

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A few people have mentioned that they have friends or relatives associated with the victims of the Holocaust, or other genocides. I regret that I have a family member who is a racial supremacist.

Because of this I have had an uncomfortably close look at the weapons, symbols and ideology of people who are the modern Nazis.

What I have observed is that current racial supremacists do not use the swastika. It is too emotionally charged--many of the current symbols would probably pass through this site completely unnoticed except by other members.

What remains untouched, though, are tactics of dehumanizing, vilifying, and/or minimizing those whom they have set themselves against, and those who question their views.


In my opinion, that is the real danger. Every time any of us treat someone with disrespect, as less valid, because they have a different way of seeing the world, we are contributing to the type of world that allows hatred and violence to thrive.

Does a symbol similar to swastika placed on an arm suggest the Nazi swastika armband? Do the wings on the back suggest the Nazi Eagle? Obviously they do, to some, and in a way that causes great distress.

On the other hand, freedom of expression is also a valuable and threatened commodity currently in our world. Does censorship of a symbol erase the violence and hatred it may represent? Does name-calling, verbal threats, bullying, sarcasm?

Audre Lorde once famously stated, the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.


The past cannot be undone, but we can consider the effect and implications our words and actions in the present. If we believe in free expression, we can create that by respecting those with whom we disagree. If we would have a world without hatred and oppression, we can embrace differences in each other, try to see how others might interpret our words and actions, and respect the value of each other's feelings and views--especially when they diverge from our own.

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Before this gets closed eventually, here is what can be learned from it all, IMO:


1) I commend Dark0ne, and the other moderators for taking the stance of NOT just banning the mod author and/or immediately removing his armor for download. They demonstrated the exact OPPOSITE of what a lot of you claim you are against... Censorship... By them taking the time to investigate the matter and work with the mod author to address the controversy. This is how you moderate. While it may be offensive to some of you, had they just banned the armor set and banned the author from the Nexus, that would have sent the WRONG message, ironically. It would have come off hypocritical because female gamers can easily argue all the Anime/Hentai, voluptuous nude body replacers and skimpy female armor sets are offensive to women on the basis of sexual harassment, or misogyny... Yet these kinds of mods comprise far more of the Nexus' current content than armor sets with controversial symbols.


2) A lot of you who are railing for censorship and even threatening to report the sight to government and law enforcement anti-hate crimes units are probably young and in the "I am going to change the world!" phase that everybody goes through as they are growing up. I've got news for you. As you get older, you learn how to work WITH the system, not against it because as disheartening as this may sound, as you get older you realize A) the only real changes you can make are small and not monumental, and B) the only way to make real change is by aligning yourself with the very system you hate and making change within. The major difference here is the moderators/site staff are the "system" you are rebelling against, but they did their jobs the way all moderators and staff should do their jobs by being impartial, level-headed and fair. I know this bugs a lot of you because you have no cause to rally all your youthful energy behind, but this is how it played out, so deal with it.


3) There are currently 12 people viewing this thread as of this posting: 9 members, 1 anonymous and 2 guests. Who wants to bet 1000 septims one of those "anonymous", or "guests" is Budcat?


He got what he wanted... attention... But now others are taking his egotistical thread and turning it into their own crusade which makes them just as guilty as Budcat was the moment he wrote this stupid thread.

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When I did this, I did not think it was so perceive. If I had known earlier, I would not go for it.

And nonetheless. This symbol of ancient Slavic. And it has nothing common with Nazism.

and it has a visual distinction. symbol name heavenly Vepr

I apologize for that. I've already done the optional version for those who do not like the swastika.

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When I did this, I did not think it was so perceive. If I had known earlier, I would not go for it.

And nonetheless. This symbol of ancient Slavic. And it has nothing common with Nazism.

and it has a visual distinction. symbol name heavenly Vepr

I apologize for that. I've already done the optional version for those who do not like the swastika.


Mod author is better than a huge portion of the people here. He attempted to rectify for his mistake and apologizes. True human quality. The lot of you can learn.

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