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I don't associate with Nazis


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My father was a World War II veteran who fought in the european theater, if he were alive today, he would be appalled. My parents always told me , "Ignorance is no excuse." and I don't believe it should be used in this mods context. However, though I find it offensive, censorship should be left to the downloaders. I would not and will not download this armor simply because of the symbol but I won't tell others on Nexus what they can or can't do.

You fail to understand the point - Nazism is only the most widely known for using the swastika. Identical swastikas can be found in Asian and European works dating back hundreds of years. It's meaning is perceived by the person looking at the symbol - for some that meaning is heavily influenced by the Nazism, and for others who actually know how swastika is used around the world, the meaning represents something else.




I can see how someone can see this as offensive, but I don't. As someone mentioned before, will people all of a sudden start hating Heineken for having a red star? It's time to live and let live guys, WWII was over a long time ago, yes - people suffered, and yes - things like that shouldn't be forgotten or forgiven to those who did it. But people should really stop yapping every time they see a swastika, not every swastika you see is meant to symbolize Nazism for crying out loud, it depends in which context it's been used by the author and not about personal interpretation of the symbol. :rolleyes:


1st milenium BC, Iran:


1942, Third Reich:


I guess if I were to make the replica of that Iranian necklace for Skyrim, I'd receive the same welcoming committee as the guy who made that outfit. :dry:




And seeing the new posts that got written in the meantime, I'm disappointed in a lot of you guys right now. Censoring an artist's work based on people's opinions is wrong, and goes against a lot of my own believes. Remember how the Nazis used to burn books to censor those who would write things that go against their ideology? You guys are basically trying to censor an author for making something that goes against your personal opinion, so how is this any different? Pulling out torches and pitchforks due to your own interpretation of a benign thing...


As a mod author, that bothers me more than you guys can imagine, but since the symbol brought in a s***storm for no reason, I'll make peace with Dark0ne's decision, it's his site and his rules and he's just trying to avoid another s***storm. I still respect him the same since seeing the response, what he did is the right decision in a way. But the comments around here, along with this whole thread, never should have happened in the first place, it's freakin' disrespectful to the author, especially since he did nothing wrong at all.


*sigh* Human nature at it's best, always ready to rip each other's throats out just for s**ts and giggles...

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Without getting into the debate I do have to note that anyone using that particular symbol on anything should be fully aware of the possible interpretations and connotations that will be drawn from it. That's not rocket science. It has so much heavy weight to it that I honestly don't get why you need to add it on anything at all unless you're prepared for the inevitable controversy that will come of it. It's so tainted that no amount of explanation about spirituality from other cultures will help, especially when it's used in the context of war thematics as is the case here.

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Lots of symbols should be banned for atrocities committed by those groups.


Shall we start with pretty much every religious symbol ever concocted, then? A few football club badges perhaps? The coat of arms for every country? The flag of every country? Mmmmhmmm.

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Lots of symbols should be banned for atrocities committed by those groups.


Shall we start with pretty much every religious symbol ever concocted, then? A few football club badges perhaps? The coat of arms for every country? The flag of every country? Mmmmhmmm.



Best response ever.

And I'm not just saying that because you own the Nexus.

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Without getting into the debate I do have to note that anyone using that particular symbol on anything should be fully aware of the possible interpretations and connotations that will be drawn from it. That's not rocket science. It has so much heavy weight to it that I honestly don't get why you need to add it on anything at all unless you're prepared for the inevitable controversy that will come of it. It's so tainted that no amount of explanation about spirituality from other cultures will help, especially when it's used in the context of war thematics as is the case here.


The thing is, this topic is not about what the author thought, or if he knew. It's about 1 person flaming this sites Moderator and Administrators, and then all hell broke and people start discussing human rights.

Frankly, this should have stopped at page 1. It was nothing but a flame bait that worked.


This is what's happening:


People 1: Pissed because this symbol got a negative impact on them. Even though they are not forced to use the mod at all.

People 2: Trying to explain the origin of the symbol, and trying to explain a possible solution why the author made it.

People 3: Got a finger plucked into the ear, and yell "lalala racist!!! lalalal"


So, it generally boils down to this:

The OP hates everything, in general.

People got opinions. Nobody cares. We all got them.


Can we please stop going philosophical here?

We all got opinions. Deal with it.

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Those were my thoughts pretty much but I preferred not to say it.


We need to leave the past behind and move forward. There are many other genocides going on in the world. Holocaust was not the first genocide and it is most certainly not the last. Ethnic and religious cleansing are going on all the time.


Besides, this site will ban people who claim to be Nazis



Edited by Alyzabeth
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Those were my thoughts pretty much but I preferred not to say it.


We need to leave the past behind and move forward. There are many other genocides going on in the world. Holocaust was not the first genocide and it is most certainly not the last. Ethnic and religious cleansing are going on all the time.


Besides, this site will ban people who claim to be Nazis




Never thought I'd see a logical post. Kudos.

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