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Suggestions for new Dashboard


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- Make the dashboard change on a game to game basis.
I have 13 tools for Skyrim SE and Zero Tools for Subnauatica, yet the dashboard Tool section stays the same size for Subnautica as it does for Skyrim SE.
- Allow people to turn off the Titles for the Dashlets, I don't need Tools and Recently Managed in huge letters at the top of each Dashlet.
- Allow people to change the width of the boxes for each tool, currently they are 4.75 inches across, that's a lot of wasted space for tools with names like SSEedit and SKSE64 which are about 1.25 inches.
As it is, I have three columns of tools in the dashboard, with each column taking 4.75 inches of space, that's 14.25 inches of wasted space.
Add some type of setting that will make the width of all the tool entry boxes to be the size of the name of the longest tool with about .25 inches added for buffer space. at the very least, the tool entries are far too wide.
- Currently the ENABLE TOOLBAR Button is pointless if it doesn't turn off the Tool Dashlet, because it leaves the oversized Tool Dashlet in the dashboard AND puts the tools in the Title bar Toolbar, making it pointless and redundant.
- The title bar Toolbar only displays TWELVE Tools, making any tools above 12 unavailable for use
- In the Theme Manager, allow people to change the size of the TAB and Dashlet Fonts, they're quite large
- Make the slider in the Theme Manager for Dashlet Height increment by ONE instead of TWO

- Let advanced users turn of the Collections entry in the sidebar

Currently my sidebar says this


Either allow advanced users to turn off Collections from displaying, or sort the entries in the sidebar like this


In order to not interrupt workflow when switching between the Mods screen and Plugins screen.
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Most of this is possible either by making a custom theme or by disabling extensions for features you don't want.



Is there a guide for all of this?

I only found the option to turn off the Collections Extension, but none of the other stuff I mentioned.


Custom Theme has no option to change the font size except for the main fonts.

I've found no option within the Custom Theme or CSS files to turn off the TOOLS Dashlet so that I can just use the Toolbar in the title bar.


I've tried to change the font size of the Tab/Dashlet titles, but there's' no setting for that, and there's also no setting that I can find in the Theme Editor to reduce the size of the Tool width to make them take the size of the longest tool name.


Downloaded the "Snippets" Extension, that allowed me to change one thing, turning off the "Get more Mods" overlay

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