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LOOT controlling my sort after game start. I want manual control.


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Vortex LOOT seems to not care were my plug'in is placed in the load order...not where I want it. I don't give a damn where LOOT wants to place my updated plug-in after game start. I want total control of my load order after game start!!!!!!!!!!!


After game start I do not want my load order f---ed with again. If I update a mod, I want total control of where that plug-in goes. Like right back in the load order position where the previous ver. of mod was at. If the previous ver. of the mod was in load order 46. After update of mod I want total and complete control of placing that updated mod right back in load order 46. not 44, not 45, not 40, not 50, not 43, but right back in 46. So if there is a question mark in the load order after update. Why can't I manually place it back in spot 46. I don't want to auto sort, I don't want LOOT to sort. I want to place the updated mod right back in its original place. I want to manually do it myself. OMFG. please how do I do that? Manually place my plug-ins back to there original spot after updating the mod? Please Help...

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Your insisting on manually placing plugins will like do harm to your game in the long run.


You can read about why LOOT sorting is preferred here: https://modding.wiki/en/vortex/users/vortex-approach-to-load-order


Vortex (and LOOT) allow you to set rules or groups to ensure that certain plugins load before or after anything they conflict with and that is what is actually important.

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lharris, you could switch to MO2 as your mod manager.


I have not used MO2 in a long time. It was my preferred mod manager once upon a time. There was nothing automatic about it. Want to manually drag and drop your mod load order? Go ahead. You could even choose manually if you want LOOT to sort your plugins, or identify which ones need to be cleaned, and enter rules for which mod/plugin loads when. Nothing automatic about that either. You have to push the buttons to get any results.


Which is a big reason why I switched to Vortex. I tend to forget to do all those things without it. Because it is "automatic" Vortex reminds me when there are issues. Otherwise, I would have no idea how to sort everything out. My Skyrm AE game has 500+ plugins, so I can get very confused very quickly without help from Vortex.


If you haven't checked out the Vortex Knowledgebase much, you might want to look there to find out how to use this great tool better.

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