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Multiple collections


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Got back into modding after a long hiatus and gave collections ago so I could jump right in without much hassle, downloaded the most endorsed pack for SSE and saw that there were other collections, by other people, to work along side with the main one. So I download it and added the collection to Vortex, but when I do it disables all the plugins from the former collection, which I simply Ctrl+A and enable them all again but I noticed that some were already disabled by the first collection's author and started seeing some irregularities in-game afterwards. I guess what I'm asking is this normal for Vortex to disable plugins when adding another collection?

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  • 9 months later...

So I presume this is now fixed?


And if a collection tries to download a mod you already have in downloads folder, does it warn you or just replace, or create a copy?


And if installed through a script installer, maybe with different options to that mod's previous install (presumably in a different profile), will it automatically make a variant, or overwrite the mod, which would affect the other profile too? Or warn you and ask what you want to do?


Sorry to resurrect (and hijack) an older post, but it seems an appropriate place to ask

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