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Fallout in space


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Hello there,


The last years I spent learning tools like Blender, Substance Designer & Substance Painter. Now my dream would be joining the team behind an ambitious project like that of Fallout London.


One such project could be a Fallout-ish mod. It could be located on the ruined moon 'Fallout' satellite of the 4th planet in the Radience system ;-) And it could be both: An origin story for the player character or a quest line to be discovered on one's journeys;


Design wise it might be an interesting challenge as that mod would still be set in the future. So instead of 1970s cars and architecture one would probably find lore friendly, but ruined NASA-Punk objects. But much stuff might be more 'retro' from that future's perspective. One example: The hunting rifle of Fallout 4 that is based on a WW2 rifle could be instead be based on what we consider modern nowadays (like the Merkel Helix).


It is just an idea an I am for sure too inexperienced in game design to push something like that. Maybe said Rifle could be a nice and more realistically achievable project for me personally first. But I would like to hear your opinion on such a DLC mod. Would you like to see a lore-friendly interpretation of Fallout in Starfield?

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  • 9 months later...

I can envision Fallout being woven into the current world of Starfield by writing a story in which the world's elite's through Vault-Tec sought to escape the apocalypse using very experimental technology involving time travel. The idea was to create a time stasis bubble around the elite vaults and a select number of experimental vaults so they could move forward in time without ageing and emerge centuries later to rule over what was left of humanity. The experiment failed horribly as the multiple time stasis bubbles instead created an inter-dimensional rift that thrust the vaults into this dimension and destroyed our magnetosphere in the process. Without realizing what had happened Vault-Tec upon emerging from the vaults assumed it was the nuclear war that killed the planet and enacted plan B. Using the alien Tec they secured before the war, they converted the largest vault into an Ark and set off for planet unknown.

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Why not just make one of Starfields planet a post apoc planet and you are crashed there?

= rest of game on said planet.

No reason there shouldnt be power armor too :smile:

Earth.... Theoretically, we destroyed our homeworld.... And the one shot of the arch over a wasted landscape looks a LOT like the St. Louis arch....... But, in that shot, there is NOTHING left of the city...... :)

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Why not just make one of Starfields planet a post apoc planet and you are crashed there?

= rest of game on said planet.

No reason there shouldnt be power armor too :smile:

Earth.... Theoretically, we destroyed our homeworld.... And the one shot of the arch over a wasted landscape looks a LOT like the St. Louis arch....... But, in that shot, there is NOTHING left of the city...... :smile:



Still would LOVE me to explore Earth post apoc in a nice set of Power Armor :)

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The possibilities appear to be limitless. I would absolutely love to see an integration of the Fallout games into Starfield. Ideally, this integration would take place on planet Earth. For instance, if I were to land in the Boston area, I could explore the Fallout 4 biome in that location. Similarly, if I were to land in Washington, DC, I could wander through the wasteland of Fallout 3, all within the graphical engine of Starfield, of course. Furthermore, if we were to land in the London area, it would be fascinating to have Fallout: London available to play.


Additionally, it would be fantastic if a mod included a quest line involving Mothership Zeta. The quest could commence with an exploration of an alien structure on an abandoned planet, where we would discover that the inhabitants were the small aliens from the Fallout 3 DLC, Mothership Zeta. We would learn that they were forced to leave their dying planet in search of a new home, and Mothership Zeta served as their colony ship. We would then follow their journey through the galaxy until we ultimately realize that they found a new home: Earth. However, this planet was already inhabited by a species known as "humans." The aliens cunningly manipulated the leaders of this human race into engaging in a devastating conflict, resulting in the destruction of the entire planet and its transformation into the familiar wasteland we know. I'll leave the specific details to more imaginative authors; I'm simply providing the overarching framework here.

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However, this planet was already inhabited by a species known as "humans." The aliens cunningly manipulated the leaders of this human race into engaging in a devastating conflict, resulting in the destruction of the entire planet and its transformation into the familiar wasteland we know. I'll leave the specific details to more imaginative authors; I'm simply providing the overarching framework here.


Sometimes I wonder if that isnt whats happening right now.

Some of the anti-human politics that are so dominant in the western world right now, I struggle to explain in any other way.

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There are two entirely complimentary settings in which to have "Fallout in Starfield".


Lore is there was a war between the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective. This could have resulted in nuked worlds & ruined cities.


Also, Terra is a wasteland (we do not yet know why), so...

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There are two entirely complimentary settings in which to have "Fallout in Starfield".


Lore is there was a war between the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective. This could have resulted in nuked worlds & ruined cities.


Also, Terra is a wasteland (we do not yet know why), so...

Well, to be fair the FO lore says the timeline diverged in 1946 so...


However, if lore be damned we do appear to have all of the game mechanics necessary in the vanilla game except possibly FO4 type vehicle style power armor. Although, I have a sneaking suspicion that some game mechanics necessary for putting previous Beth games into this engine are covertly present to facilitate such mod additions in the future.


I saw large mech suits in the game trailer. check it out


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