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NMM now available for brave alpha testers


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In response to post #10104632.

That's an issue with Windows, the mod in question and any version of NMM, not just this one. Windows can only use a maximum of 260 characters in a folder path, e.g. C:/NMM/Skyrim/Mods/YourMod/. Either you've put NMM somewhere deep in your folder path (e.g. C:/Some folder/some other folder/some other other folder/somewhere else/NMM/Mods/YourMod/) or the mod you're trying to install is packaged in such a way that it breaks NMM because it's using too many characters for file names (e.g. C:/NMM/Mods/YourMod/Textures/Some other folder/Another folder/Too many folders/Why so many folders/modfile.txt). Edited by Dark0ne
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Sorry that I can't help out testing, I'm rarely on net on my lappy and it's hard to type out reports and take screenshots by using my phone lol. Good luck though!
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In response to post #10106069.

Oh and I have a question about the re-install and presets feature, will it install them in any particular order? For example if you have a armour mod and a re texture of that armour is there a way to make it install one first? Seems like something useful and important.
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In response to post #10106768.

If you do that you WILL run in to problems eventually. The old system worked by extracting the necessary files in to the Data folder directly. The new system works by extracting the files in to the NMM folder and then linking to that file using a shortcut in the Data folder. If both files are present (shortcut and normal file) then you will run in to issues. So please don't report any bugs in that current state!
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will i be able to rollback to previous version if i ran into problems?


and where do we post bugs?


edit: after nmm deactivated and reinstall mods. it won't let me reactive any mod that wasn't reinstall during the process and it would crash when trying to active any mods that wasn't reinstall. :/


damn i broke my fo3 installs..

Edited by ruthlesskilla
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