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I would have said a native Linux port, but since Microsoft now owns Bethesda I think we all know that has as much a chance of happening as the Bills playing their game in Buffalo this past Sunday....

Linux would have to natively support directx to do that, and that is something I don't EVER seeing MS doing..... They pretty much have cornered the market on PC gaming, and I don't see them letting that go.


Umm, native Linux means you don't develop with DirectX.....

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IDK, my understanding is windows 11 is pretty extensive in the linux/unix way, and based on UE5 documentation implying a lot of Ray Tracing algorithms are due to obsolesce there may be something big coming down the pipe in HW and SW... :woot:


But native support? That's probably a non-starter on a retrofit, slipstreaming it over to a convergent new standard? Yeah, that's more likely to happen. More/better AMD Support would be where it should go... All the better for Linux in the end. :dance:

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Smart move would be to do the same as the smart people did with the last one.

We have a process to manage the update or block it ?


Stay on top of when the date is gonna be.

Have backups of the game files, standing by at the ready.


That's the FIRST thing I thought when I saw this topic go up! :pinch:

(And your have a backup of the backup thing)...


It's doubtlessly gonna be a Game-Changer! :nuke:


Been a lot of "upgrades" that I take a pass on initially, and sometimes permanently.

Since THEIR progression :down: is not always necessarily MY progression. :thumbsup:


Be interesting to see what they Do come up with though... :unsure:

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Pretty sure a few mods (at least) will become obsolete, or actually 'damaging' after the update. Like TruBy9 for ultra-wide screen & load accelerator for better performance with SSD's.


Not expecting all too much from a free update, but I really wanna know what this will mean for my models & textures.

& What about the Creation Kit?


I will keep some backups ready, however, I do intend to 'migrate' and try to look at the bright side of possible (QOL) improvements. I don't care if I have to adjust, redo or scrap some of my work, if its for a better game.

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You block updates to preserve a given state. Nothing more.

Mod users need to be Archivists, i.e. archive everything so that you can keep the stable state you want to play.

I only say this because of what AE edition of Skyrim did to the USSEP - where it now requires you to have 4 CC mods installed because it considers those a part of the original game - yet for years they never once thought that CC was worthy of supporting.


It's one thing to only offer the latest version, it's another to adopt a migration that requires CC mods you will never use just to be able to use that mod.

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What would be really stellar is:


If they updated the previs/precombine system to be readily manageable.

(To me this is the biggest issue with whether things work correctly or not with the most impact to gameplay/stability, and ridiculous difficult to completely resolve with big load out).


  • A UI that was made by a professional game designer. (any prior version of the franchise or any other game design would ace this Crayola creation).
  • An in-game (wysiwyg) editor. (Full-blown- for immersion). :geek:
  • An in-game Build Menu Editor (Would save a billion steps and spaces).
  • Color/material mapping extension to the build menu items. (Would save a billion more steps and spaces).
  • Better (customizable) Tabs in Pip-Boy (Apparel/armor Weapons/explosives Food/Drugs Junk/Components). (keeps lists shorter and easier to get to stuff).
  • Baked-In Save File Manager. (isolate and adjust/remove baked in data).
  • A hotkey manager that natively supports modifier keys.
  • "Trade" built into default dialogues. (Really now)! :rolleyes:

Just a wish list, none of which is really next-gen by any stretch, but for Bethesda it would be a blessed update and huge leap forward indeed.

They should really buy like ~1000 mods from the authors and apply them properly into vanilla. :yes:


Otherwise, bring on the DirectX 12, and let's go! :dance:


Edit: (Added a desirable feature).

Edited by Blinxys
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Before Precombines were fully understood I used Scrap Everything and a few other mods to make a 4 story residence across from the Super Mutants as you neared Diamond City. Spent 2 days building it. It was nearly perfect. Rainwater capture and purification on the roof, 100% wind power on the roof with wireless power access throughout the residence, elevator access from the ground to the roof, 3 floors fully decorated, the ground floor a Diamond City Guard open access area for coffee, food, pool table and a place to rest - the whole 9 yards. The mandatory sniper platform on the roof to keep things at bay....


Then I went about trying to walk down the alley and everything started disappearing. It was then that I realized "Open World" and "Settlement Building" in the game in real time was a pipe dream. I couldn't get rid of what they put there without breaking the game.


Added: I think any game that opens itself up to modding sets itself up to this - where modders simply test the bounds until things break. It's the nature of modding. i.e. "You gave us this, but we want that."

Edited by fraquar
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i'm sure blinxys wish list will sadly never come true. bethesda is creative but also money driven. it is much easier and cheaper to design a new game with a new ui than to implement this wishlist bug free in a buggy old game. at least i would defer this update until i know the consequences which probably leads to the decision to skip it...


previs/precombines were just a tool implemented in an act of desperation to handle draw calls on hardware and graphics interfaces not ready to handle the complex fo4 open world. it was a way to reduce a permanent slide show in the exterior on weaker hardware not ready for the fo4 open world 7 years ago. bethesda faced the same problems as flight simulator developers with their limited game engines but they also had to address consoles. complex multithreading was not implemented at this time and it is still a challenge if you watch fs2020 development.

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Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Expect something more like the unofficial patch made official with some performance updates to the engine.

Consoles (PS5, Xbox) will probably benefit more, with the HD textures added, as PC.


If more was coming, it wouldn't be a free update.

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