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Can't fix the hard-coded texture paths of my custom made armor.


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I won't be able to check it in game or CS, as those are uninstalled right now, like I said.


But I think NifSkope should still be installed and working for me to take a look at the NIF, if my free time allows.


The others could take a look as well, of course, in case I won't, if you link it here.

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I downloaded the mod, but when I loaded some meshes to look, I see still full texture paths instead of relative ones (they begin with c:\mr dj\...) in them.


Lets again summarize how to change these paths:

1. Load your mesh into Nif-Skope.

2. Find its NiTexturingProperty and unroll it to see its NiSourceTexture.

3. Click on NiSourceTexture to select it and then double-click on the path itself. Path will be activated and you will see a blinking cursor.

4. Click on path again to cancel a whole edit and now the path is displayed as non-inversed again.

5. Move cursor before "textures" and right after "\" character. Using Backspace delete all on the left before "textures" word until you see the path beginning with textures word only.

6. Press Enter to confirm the changes. Now you will see the whole path beginning with "textures" word.

7. Now use Save from the main menu or Ctrl+S shortcut to save the changes.

Edited by RomanR
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I downloaded the mod, but when I loaded some meshes to look, I see still full texture paths instead of relative ones (they begin with c:\mr dj\...) in them.


Lets again summarize how to change these paths:

1. Load your mesh into Nif-Skope.

2. Find its NiTexturingProperty and unroll it to see its NiSourceTexture.

3. Click on NiSourceTexture to select it and then double-click on the path itself. Path will be activated and you will see a blinking cursor.

4. Click on path again to cancel a whole edit and now the path is displayed as non-inversed again.

5. Move cursor before "textures" and right after "\" character. Using Backspace delete all on the left before "textures" word until you see the path beginning with textures word only.

6. Press Enter to confirm the changes. Now you will see the whole path beginning with "textures" word.

7. Now use Save from the main menu or Ctrl+S shortcut to save the changes.


Wait. I must have uploaded a wring file. I uploaded the mod today: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/50712

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It will only work for users who have the game installed in exactly the same folder structure as you do (the d:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\oblivion\data\... that is currently assigned).


To change the path open the armor piece in NifSkope and in the right hand panel single left click on the part you want to change. In the left panel tree view you will see this. Next to the 10 NiTriShape click the little arrow to expand the tree view and then do the same with the arrow beside 3 NiTexturingProperty to expand that as well. NifSkope will now look like this (I have single left clicked on 4 NiSourceTexture to highlight that line).


Double left click in the part to the right of the purple flower icon to select and highlight the entire currently assigned path as shown here. Next single left click immediately to the right of oblivion\data\ to remove the highlight and position the cursor just to the left of the first t in the word textures as shown here. Using the backspace key remove everything to the left of textures\armor\animal print\... as shown here.


To finish hit Enter and the assigned path will now look like this. Just for reference I have included what the fur armor in EVE looks like in NifSkopehere.


- Edit - Hopefully the scrrenshots will show.


It's been a long time since my last step by step and I'm a bit fuzzy on how to get the scrrenshots uploaded to Nexus in a manner that doesn't raise the ire of the screenshotter crowd who live in the regular Image Share section. If I remember correctly you just set the category to Hidden but I don't recall if you use the BBCode for the url to get them to show or if it's some other way. If they don't I'll try to sort it out later when I back home.


- Edit 2 - The pictures should show OK now. Huge thanks to JimboUK for once again getting me up to speed on posting pics from hidden links.

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So, does the mod work properly?

No, it doesn't. But I can't help you further, because I told all you need to do already.



Please note that everything I outlined was already covered by RomanR ... my only contribution was the 'film at eleven' aspect.


- Edit - Roman were you able to see the pics in each of the links in my post?

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