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Can't fix the hard-coded texture paths of my custom made armor.


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Here's the method I've used to post the pictures in the previous post (which I couldn't properly recall until JimboUK got my brain pointed in the correct direction).

Upload the picture to Nexus (I used Oblivion Nexus but the same method will work for any game) and set the category to Hidden. After the upload has finished your picture will be displayed and you'll see the orange banner indicating that the image is hidden Pic_1.

Right click on your image and select Open image in new tab from the right click context menu. Switch to the new tab displaying your image and single left click in the URL bar up top to highlight the address (Pic_2).Copy the url by hitting Ctrl + c while the url address is highlighted.

Finish by pasting the address into your post either inside the [ url=xxx ]label[ /url ] BBCodes like shown in the pictures (the only option on the Oblivion Nexus or other game's Nexus sites I believe) or on the Nexus Forums you can click on the little pictire icon and then paste the image url into the URL field on the Image Properties box that pops up (be aware that using that option the picture will display full size in the post ... like what you see in the Post Your Best Looking Character thread).

In any case the purpose of using the Hidden category is that your pictures won't be cluttering up the Image Share with images that don't 'fit' the usual use for that part of the sites.

- Edit - Just had a look at a post I made in the OBSE mod comments and it looks like you can also use the Image icon there to add a picture to your post on the Oblivion Nexus or other game's Nexus sites. Not certain if the same caveat applies regarding does it then display all the time in your post (but I would guess so ... I just didn't do that experiment myself).

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@Stirker879: "- Edit 2 - The pictures should show OK now. Huge thanks to JimboUK for once again getting me up to speed on posting pics from hidden links."


Yes, now the pictures are showing as I click on link. I hope they will help Dimitrisgb more.

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@Stirker879: "- Edit 2 - The pictures should show OK now. Huge thanks to JimboUK for once again getting me up to speed on posting pics from hidden links."


Yes, now the pictures are showing as I click on link. I hope they will help Dimitrisgb more.


I've only done what I can do, as have you.


At least the next time I have a 'senior moment' and can't recall how to get illustrative scrrenshots into a post I'll have my step by step (if you look closely at the most recent screenshots you'll see I'll only need to look as far as my hard drive to find it too).

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  • 4 months later...

I tried to solve the issue, by doing what was described above. I uploaded the new version. Pls let me know if that works now.


All I see on the mod page Files tab are versions uploaded on Jan 12 2021.

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I must have done something wrong. I 'll try again later.


Just checked a couple of items and the only remaining problem with the texture paths is that your download is structured Textures\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds but the texture path in NifSkope shows Textures\Armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds (note the extra Armor folder in NifSkope that doesn't match the download folder structure).


You have corrected the absolute paths problem but still need to match up the NifSkope texture path with the actual used texture path (NifSkope needs to be Textures\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds to match the download).

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I must have done something wrong. I 'll try again later.


Just checked a couple of items and the only remaining problem with the texture paths is that your download is structured Textures\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds but the texture path in NifSkope shows Textures\Armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds (note the extra Armor folder in NifSkope that doesn't match the download folder structure).


You have corrected the absolute paths problem but still need to match up the NifSkope texture path with the actual used texture path (NifSkope needs to be Textures\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds to match the download).



Ok, I am trying to fix the issue now. So, you are saying that I should remove the Armor folder? 'Cause it worked just fine for me. Actually I decided to add an Armor folder in the Textures path.

Edited by Dimitrisgb
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I must have done something wrong. I 'll try again later.


Just checked a couple of items and the only remaining problem with the texture paths is that your download is structured Textures\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds but the texture path in NifSkope shows Textures\Armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds (note the extra Armor folder in NifSkope that doesn't match the download folder structure).


You have corrected the absolute paths problem but still need to match up the NifSkope texture path with the actual used texture path (NifSkope needs to be Textures\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds to match the download).



Ok, I am trying to fix the issue now. So, you are saying that I should remove the Armor folder? 'Cause it worked just fine for me. Actually I decided to add an Armor folder in the Textures path.



Just downloaded the latest and the folder path problem is still there.


The path the meshes expect is Textures\Armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\f\cuirass.dds but now the download has Textures\Animal Print\Armor\Cheetah\f\cuirass.dds (note the the Armor folder does not appear immediately following Textures ... the Animal Print folder does).


What we are looking for is for the actual texture folder path in the download to exactly match the texture folder path assigned to the mesh in NifSkope.


Looking at the mod comments leads me to think you have a similar situation with where Animal Print Armour.esp has assigned the folder path for the meshes (perhaps you have already resolved that problem ... I didn't load up the ESP to check).


- Edit - Yup ... just looked at Animal Print Armour.esp in TES4Edit and the folder path to the meshes is armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cuirass.nif while latest download is structured Meshes\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cuirass.nif (so the ESP is telling the game to look for a folder that does not exist).

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