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In response to post #10252176. #10252894, #10253016, #10253371, #10253416 are all replies on the same post.

How can you be so blind? This is morally wrong.

Here's a simple example for you:
Bob likes Big Game Mod, he downloads it, plays it and makes a perfectly normal comment (Eg. "This mod is great, I think if you added X it would be even better") . Rupert, the mod creator, sees this post and due to whatever madness inhabits his mind he decides to block Bob who is confused and can no longer check updates and other people's posts about the mod.
He asks the moderators for help and they promptly mock him and permaban him.

Truly, Bob is the greatest monster since Stalin and he should be slain alongside his entire family, am I right?
Because that's the feedback you're giving me. Edited by GixTheMage
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In response to post #10252415. #10252846, #10253003 are all replies on the same post.

No, actually it's not.

It's no different than if someone were to pass a law making possession of knives illegal because 1% of the population stabs people with them.

If 1% of the modders abuse the system, that's on them, and Dark0ne already covered this. Those people are douchebags and you shouldn't worry too much about using their stuff if you think them petty for blocking your access.

The other 99% of us would only do something like this in reasonable circumstances and we greatly appreciate now having the ability to exercise this if need be. Like we already have the ability to do on several other mod related sites btw.
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Morally wrong? It's a bloody video game community site, not some social rights conflict. Calm your horses. You're not going to die or your freedoms taken away simply because you can't download a mod.

Most mod authors don't respond to trolls, start conflicts or even care if they're being pestered. What makes you think that having this block feature suddenly will give them impulse to start blocking users? How many mod authors will even use this feature? The very few, and if it's an unreasonable block, don't support their work. The authors in question are idiots, just as Dark0ne stated.

Edited by ZeroKing
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In response to post #10252415. #10252846, #10253003, #10253436 are all replies on the same post.

Your argument is borne of insufficient consideration. If the mod author who decides to bully you is the author of the Big supermod of your choosing then according to the rules you're well and truly screwed, very possibly to no fault of yours.

To associate it with your knives argument, it's absolutely true, but you're also telling that 1% that they can commit any knife crime they want which is nuts, honestly.
I think the consequences to that are quite obvious. Edited by GixTheMage
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In response to post #10252176. #10252894, #10253016, #10253371, #10253416, #10253430, #10253473 are all replies on the same post.

I fail to see it as abusive if a modder responds to a troll by blocking their access rather than having to wait for a moderator to step in and ban them entirely.

I suspect as a general rule you'll find that most modders who would consider blocking someone from their file pages would instead report the offending user to the staff because in most cases said user has probably violated the ToS and should be officially sanctioned for it.

It's hardly bullying if User X does something despicable, and then gets blocked. I'm pretty sure nobody else will even know it happened. If you want to start talking about bullying, then why don't you start by addressing all the abusive users that eventually prompted mod authors to start asking for these tools to begin with.

Drake is also right, nobody in their right mind is going to risk being banned for violating the multiple account rules over one mod, no matter how good it may be.
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In response to post #10252176. #10252894, #10253016, #10253371, #10253416, #10253430, #10253473, #10253502, #10253525 are all replies on the same post.

Do you people READ before you hit reply?
Bob did nothing wrong yet with this new "feature" he's forced to break the rules while the unpredictable Rupert gets away with it scott free.

Just because we're on the internet doesn't mean we should behave like some sort of dystopian caste society where the lower class is treated worse than dirt.
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  On 11/22/2013 at 6:53 PM, Dark0ne said:


In response to post #10250210.


I can't see this ever happening to me, but it makes me wonder what if someone abuses the feature to keep someone from using their mod because they made some valid comments on thet mod in a polite and respectful way?


Then that mod author is a colossal douche and you're much better off not using or supporting his work anyway! :smile:



I hope it never comes to this but sometimes people who make stuff can not understand constructive criticism well and might take offence to a harmless post a user made who was only trying to help improve the mod for future versions. There are some people sadly who don't take even constructive criticism well and see it as 'bashing'.


I rarely post on mods unless it's to say thank you. I just hope this doesn't turn into a system where everyone is afraid to provide constructive feedback for fear of being completely cut off from a mod they loved and were only trying to help make better. I'm not talking about people who are cursing right and left saying all sorts of unreasonable stuff but simply those who are replying in a polite manner things that are wrong and could possibly be better in the mod. I've seen mod makers on various games in the past get mad over this and pretty sure if they had a power like this would have blocked any opposition.


But here's to hoping it's used responsibily =)

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  On 11/22/2013 at 10:30 PM, GixTheMage said:


he's forced to break the rules


Because come hell or high water, bob has some kind of intrinsic right to the work of another? Interesting idea.


Is this a public store? A private site created to allow modders to share files with others? A private site created to allow people to download stuff? A matter of perspective, I guess. Perhaps both. Who are the drivers of content?


This topic has been discussed to death in the mod author's private forum, by the way, so I wouldn't know about "borne of insufficient consideration". Don't act like an asshat, don't get blocked. Seems simple. A modder, moody and crazy as they may be, has no reason to start to bully users, and if they randomly start to do that, administrators are perfectly capable of detecting abuse.


And on a practical note, since pretty much all popular mods seem to get ripped off anyway and reposted with or without permission elsewhere, you get to be an asshat in a lot of places if that's what you're inclined to do. Just not here. Which is why this is such a nice place.

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In response to post #10252176. #10252894, #10253016, #10253371, #10253416, #10253430, #10253473, #10253502, #10253525, #10253564 are all replies on the same post.

"And this is without taking into account how moody and sometimes outright crazy modders can be."

I agree, A huge reason that I only have 143 post in 6 years with 80% of it being technical support. I think I'll just continue to lurk and endorse. So far this tactic has kept me safe, but it looks like my posting might become even less frequent now.
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In response to post #10252415. #10252846, #10253003, #10253436, #10253494 are all replies on the same post.

  On 11/22/2013 at 9:43 PM, Arthmoor said:

In response to post #10252415.

You'd be surprised just how well this type of system works over on the Workshop.

That some people may use it for petty reasons is not justification to deny it to those who will use it responsibly.

I blocked a user I did not like for whatever reason from posting so it is working well now. I also blocked them from downloading so it is working really well now.

How can you possibly measure how well it works? By the resulting happiness of the mod uploader? Whose said happiness is measured in neeners? What possible good for the community comes from blocking downloads?

What a specious argument you make.
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