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Day 1 - HORRIBLE User Experience


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I do know about the email thing but it's completely out of my hands. Some of the mail providers have decided that the registration emails coming from the forums are SPAM and are either hiding the emails in the junk folder or outright blocking the emails from getting through at all. It tends to fix itself after a while as people begin clicking the buttons that tell the mail provider that the email isn't actually junk.

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FIrst of all--I don't mean to come across as rude, I was just extremely disappointed and frustrated yesterday. As I said, I had problems with getting the verification email, getting corrupted downloads, and now NMM freezes every time I try to download a mod.


I can download them manually, but for whatever reason it does not allow me to extract with 7zip with the .7z file extension. When I Googled my problem, I found many threads with users having the same problem but there was never a solution presented (and I checked many).


This is a service that I want to work. It really is amazing, and that's why I'm getting frustrated. Every other program and download for everything else has worked on my computer, so as much as I'd like to fix something, I can find nothing on my end to fix.

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I can download them manually, but for whatever reason it does not allow me to extract with 7zip with the .7z file extension.


You don't have to extract a mod before adding it to the NMM. Just add it in it's compressed form and NMM will do the rest.

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If you weren't able to extract a .7z with 7-Zip, it sounds like the download was corrupted, for whatever reason.

This, too, is a reoccuring issue now and then only few users are affected by. I have never seen a solution so far, but I haven't seen the reports from the same people continue either.

There's only guessing whether they got it fixed or just stopped trying, but by experience people rather won't stop complaining, which'd be in favor of the first case.


As a matter of fact in the past I got reports from people about the files from my mirror sites, free file sharing hosts, coming down corrupted, and we couldn't figure out why that was, as the files themselves and the downloads for the majority were always totally fine. Some could get a non-corrupted download by just continuing to re-download until the file size matched, but there were better means as well to keep their connections to the host from interrupting in the middle of the transfer, like download managers, 'resume' functionality, etc.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Alright, so first of all I want to apologize--rereading my posts, they seem a lot more hostile than I thought they would and hope that I didn't anger anybody--I am just really desperate to get this finally working.


So, so far I have been able to download NMM and figure out how it works, however, the file corruption is still the only issue in my way, and it seems to only come from this site (so it's not necessarily my browser, connection, etc. as far as I can tell).


When I download a file, it will go up to ~5-9 megabytes before suddenly completing, which I believe is the source of the problem. I have tried different servers at different times of day and even on different computers, but get the same problem.


For reference, one I have been trying to download a lot has been the 2K HD textures mod--it's a large mod, but even the small ones don't work.


EDIT: I found the problem, but not the solution. I have to keep clicking "Resume" for a few kilobytes ever few seconds for the download to keep going. The server will only submit small fragments at a time, which has to be monitored by me. Does this help in any way?

Edited by drewbowl2016
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Starting to sound (to me) like the serverside QoS limiting the bandwidth usage. It's like the connection gets dropped between bursts, possibly due to a syn/ack getting dropped somewhere.


I know one of the UK servers does (did) this to me, I think it's the London server, but the rest of the servers seem fine. I know it's probably not what you want to hear (especially after having such issues) but I'd bet the premium level would eliminate your problem. £2.99 for a month to test it out, and Robin may even refund that if it doesn't solve your problem.

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I'm willing to try that, if you think that would help.


One theory I had was that I only ended up trying to download when the servers are most overloaded, apparently, and only for big files (since I used Steam Workshop for the small ones). Do you think it would make a difference if I tried when there was less traffic? And when would that be, if so?


Just trying to lay out all of the options so I can try everything. Thanks again for the help so far.

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Some point in a work day is about as close as anyone can guess to off peak hours. The worst of peak hours are predictably from end of school day in the UK on Friday afternoon till sometime after Monday morning on the US west coast.

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If you try the download manually the list of servers will show how many users are currently using each. Not sure if NMM presents this info (or gives you the choice of servers).

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