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Question #1: 10/01/2005


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As for how you "interpret" it, fans have been notorious for "interpreting" things a certain way that happened to be opposite of what was intended, the devs have even pointed this out (refer to the dev quotes in the link I posted previously). I don't see how your EXP-debt thing has any relation to this at all. We're talking about being able to fast travel or avoiding it, not losing experience if you die.


The developers didn't state that "you will have more fun!!1!", they just said they had fun with it. They also had fun with Morrowind, Arena, and Daggerfall. Isn't it safe to assume that if they enjoy the next Elder Scrolls title, that we will too? Would you want developers that say "man, our game truly does suck".

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If you wanted to cheat with the PC version of Morrowind, fast travel using the coc command was possible from the start. I haven't played MW for a while although I do test out a lot of Mods. When I first started I used the MW transport system and walked a lot. Now I do what I can to get from place to place as quickly as possible. BUT if I had started out like that I would have missed soo much. So, I like the idea of fast travel but I certainly won't let it stop me uncovering the whole map bit by bit!


BTW Dark0ne, if you can persuade yourself that using fast transport iss a cheat, maybe you won't use it as much as you think!

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If you look at my analogy of fast-travelling out of a sticky situation you'll then understand my EQ2 reference, pretty simple stuff to comprehend really!


As for fans being know to mis-interpret information, I think the door swings both ways. Its possible you're mis-interpretting just how lazy this will make people.


The developers didn't state that "you will have more fun!!1!"


It still has Morrowind's feel of open exploration, but Arena's feel of ease of travel and, well, it's more fun.


I'm sorry..what? :notti:


Isn't it safe to assume that if they enjoy the next Elder Scrolls title, that we will too? Would you want developers that say "man, our game truly does suck".


Not really. I can bet the developers of Warcraft thought the game was fun, but I thought it was balls. Same with Half-Life 2.


I don't mind them telling us THEY'RE having more fun, but to say WE will have more fun isn't true.

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If you look at my analogy of fast-travelling out of a sticky situation you'll then understand my EQ2 reference, pretty simple stuff to comprehend really!


Well, I had assumed you READ the dev quotes link I posted where somewhere in that page a dev mentions that you won't be able to fast travel indoors (this includes dungeons) or areas where you are in "combat" (in Morrowind, being close to enemies is combat). So no, you can just decide to run away and pull up fast travel. You'll have to be far, far away from the attacker(s).


I'm sorry..what?


Let me elaborate: He said he thought it was more fun. Did he say that "you" would have more fun? No. He said it's more fun. Judging from the fact that it is he, Todd Howard, who said it you can assume that is his personal opinion.


As for fans being know to mis-interpret information, I think the door swings both ways. Its possible you're mis-interpretting just how lazy this will make people.


I can't be misinterpreting things, since I'm only quoting exactly what the developers have said. Unless they're openly lying to us, which I find doubtful.


Not really. I can bet the developers of Warcraft thought the game was fun, but I thought it was balls. Same with Half-Life 2.



This applies with everything. I'm not sure what the point your trying to make here is.

So, who will take over the site once you decide that Oblivion isn't "good enough" for you? :tongue:

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I think Malchik has a good point there - in effect the console did provide a fast travel option in Morrowind. Yet because it involved using the console rather than the ingame map it was designated 'cheating' to use this kind of fast travel....


It also left Xbox users in the dark.


Personally, I didn't coc, because that's not how the game was meant to be played. If it was, they would have included via an option in-game. Cyrodiil is big, much larger than Vvardenfell. It will be much harder travelling back and forth from towns just "hoofing it". Of course, you'll have to do it at least once to mark the place, but you can always do it whenever you want to and avoid fast travel if you want to.


Not being able to control yourself isn't a valid excuse. That's like asking for the console to be removed because you can't resist typing in "TGM". LOL.

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Have there been any assurances that a fast travel system will not be used as an excuse for a proliferation of boring, meaningless delivery-style quests which pointlessly send you from one end of the game world to the other? That's my main concern, really.
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Let me elaborate: He said he thought it was more fun. Did he say that "you" would have more fun? No. He said it's more fun. Judging from the fact that it is he, Todd Howard, who said it you can assume that is his personal opinion.


No, he said "it's more fun"...not "I think its more fun". Are you a fan boi? :glare:


Cyrodiil is big, much larger than Vvardenfell. It will be much harder travelling back and forth from towns just "hoofing it".


I'm sorry, are you some undercover dev who knows everything or a fan boi who THINKS he knows everything. The devs have said Cyrodiil will be bigger. How much bigger is still unknown, so less of the assumptions please.


I can't be misinterpreting things, since I'm only quoting exactly what the developers have said


I can quote the Bible and still interpret it differently from someone else. Similarly you quoting devs doesn't make you right when it can be interpretted in many different ways. I think the simple matter remains that they've said there's a fast travel option, but exactly how they implement it remains to be seen.



This applies with everything. I'm not sure what the point your trying to make here is.


I suggest you re-read what you have written and my answers to them, you've just contradicted yourself.


Personally, I didn't coc, because that's not how the game was meant to be played.


That pretty much sums up my point, straight from the devil's mouth. I don't think fast travel should be included, because I don't think that's how the game is meant to be played. Thanks :happy:

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Have there been any assurances that a fast travel system will not be used as an excuse for a proliferation of boring, meaningless delivery-style quests which pointlessly send you from one end of the game world to the other? That's my main concern, really.


Well, all I know is that they've noted the Fed-Ex quests in Morrowind and how many people did not like them. They've said NPCs will have goals and they are working on fixing the quests to make them better and more interesting, hence why there will be less of them.


I read something about their inital goal for Radiant AI and quests and the like was the Fargoth quests in Seyda Neen. Now, we all know that the Seyda Neen quests were among the top well-developed quests in Morrowind (you could choose to steal the ring from Fargoth or not, you could choose to kill the guy for assinating the tax collector or not... depending on what you thought was the right thing to do). I believe that's at least a good start.

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