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Question #1: 10/01/2005


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Fast travel certainly did NOT ruin Daggerfall, now did it?

Imagine if you had to walk everywhere in Daggerfall... (of course, they would make it possible by landmass being smaller).

Now, imagine that you had a choice, but if you take the latter you can come across all sorts of cool stuff that people who fast travel don't.


Now, you have Oblivion.


Well, the devs have said themselves that they will make walking interesting for those who want to do it, and have a fast travel option for those who don't.

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Personally, I didn't coc, because that's not how the game was meant to be played.


Ah... but then why were the cheat codes there in the first place? Admittedly, my knowledge of programming is not extensive, but it should have been easy enough to disable the console commands by default.


If intended as a modders' resource to make testing easier, a modification to the .ini or instructions in the CS helpfile as to how to enable console commands again would have sufficed.


But the console commands were there by default..... for what reason if not to be used?

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The console is hardcoded. You cannot "mod it out". If someone did hack the game and remove it, it would seiverely hurt you in the long run since the PC version of Morrowind does have it's share of errors and errors that come with mods you install. If you're in the middle of a game that you've spent 60+ hours on, and something screws up, it's nice to know that it can be fixed and you don't have to start over.


I do find it wierd why the console was enabled by default, while you had to go into the .INI file to enable screenshots. Maybe it was overlooked or something, there was a fair share of dev screw-ups in this game or things they meant to be one way and ended up another. Either way, you can't find out about any basic console commands without going into the help file, and you can't find the bigger ones without searching the internet now can you?


Cheat codes are there for people who want to use them. They're included because some people want to play that way. Every game has them. Of course, if you want to play through the game without getting the Uber Sword of Death on Level 1, then don't use the cheat codes! Now if you want to get the Uber Sword of Death on Level 1 so you can see how your changes worked on Level 5 without having to play the whole game through, then I think it works perfectly here.


I did use coc when I was making dungeons. I didn't want to create an exterior door or NPC transport yet, so when I loaded up my game I coc'ed there and saw how everything worked.

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The console is hardcoded. You cannot "mod it out".


My point exactly. :tongue:


However, with the access to the source code they have the developers could have chosen to disable it.


Cheat codes are there for people who want to use them. They're included because some people want to play that way. Every game has them. Of course, if you want to play through the game without getting the Uber Sword of Death on Level 1, then don't use the cheat codes!


Fast travel is there for people who want to use it. It's included because some people want to play that way.



Sound similar? :biggrin:


I'm not against fast travel as such, I just find it ironic that you would use fast travel if it is implemented one way, but implemented another way it's called 'cheating' and you wouldn't use it, even though in both cases the facilities for fast travel have been put there by the developers.



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Fast travel is there for people who want to use it. It's included because some people want to play that way.



Sound similar?  :biggrin:


Yes! This is the exact point I've been talking about! :smile:


I'm not against fast travel as such, I just find it ironic that you would use fast travel if it is implemented one way, but implemented another way it's called 'cheating' and you wouldn't use it, even though in both cases the facilities for fast travel have been put there by the developers.


My point before on this subject was that coc was added in not as a fast travel option per say, but as an option to instantly teleport to any interior or exterior in the game world... mostly for modding purposes. Xbox did not have the console, so this was not available to their players, making this a PC only device. You also had to open up a little program box that paused the game where you had absolute freedom. Using coc in Morrowind as a normal means of travel is cheating, you're using a shortcut that the developers didn't include in-game.


Oblivion will have a console, and I'm sure it will have coc or an equivilent command. Fast travel in oblivion will only be available to exteriors, mostly towns or large dungeons that you have "already" visited (I suppose). You won't be able to click the map and fast travel to the 9th Dimension of Bob's Dungeon of Death, but you can type in "coc Bob's Dungeon, 9th level" to be taken there instantly. The latter is a cheat shortcut, while the former is how the developers intended fast travel to be used.

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Ah - but talking to a guild guide or a silt strider caravanner also opened up a little box which halted play! :laugh:


Again the question is - if the developers intended only a certain kind of fast travel to be used, why make the coc cheat code availabe as part of the game?





While this argument about the difference between 'legitimate' fast travel and 'cheating' is very amusing, I would still hope that the game design will not be such that quests are structured such as to be reliant on fast travel.

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Why make any cheat code available as part of the game?


For people who have fun cheating, that's why! :arg:




Plus, I used coc when testing mods where I only created an interior and didn't create an exterior yet. Also, when I added something somewhere I could instantly teleport there and see how it looked/if it worked or not.


The console is a very useful modding tool, and really helps you find errors in your mod and see what you need to change or add.


You've got to see some difference, don't you...? Or are you just messing with me? :tongue:

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Many people whinged and moaned about not being able to find Ancestral Tomb X which was N, N, E, N, W, N from Location Y near Location Z, but to me that was part of the fun -- being able to explore Morrowind in all its glory. Why not make it easier for the lazy buggers and remove those sorts of quests and have fast-travel to these places? Simple...why don't we just have 1-hit kill swords?


Ah, but Dark0ne, they shall continue to winge and we shall continue to explore, the fast travel option is only to places you have been before. Not to mention if you had a view of the world map, would it show every ancestral tomb? Because on morrowind after finishing much0of the game, they would become an eyesore, seeing as many of them required only one trip to them.


So, let us fast travel to location Y and begin the hunt.


and on a side note, the console was most likely added in for PC edition as the PC edition was the only one that came with the CS. Howelse would you get your scripts working ingame?

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Personally, I'm kind of 50/50 on this one. I never had a problem travelling in Morrowind. Why? Jump spells. Just get yourself a spell like "Fortify Jump 100 pts for 5 seconds" and there you go, a couple leaps and you can get across the world. Once you learn to aim with it (not that hard), travelling almost anywhere isn't a problem. Heck, I did quest to get Azura's Star in just a couple minutes! I only used this now and then though. Most of the time, I would travel normally.


...But I doubt most people do that. Simply opening your map and clicking is too simple. It makes quests more interesting to to sometimes stop during a quest, and go explore a tomb that you found on the way.


Thus, I feel that there will only be two types of travelling:

1. Instant teleportation.

2. Exploration with no direction.


Rarely a combination of the two. Simply exploring randomly will get boring, and I bet that most people will simply ignore it.


But on the other hand, you can only teleport to places you have been to before... Still, I don't think that changes too much. Most people would probably just quickly jump or rush over to that location, and then never again walk to it.

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