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Changes to soliciting ratings/file of the month votes


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OK, we tried to give him a chance....you see how he chooses to use them.


Sorry, this is getting out of hand....please if you want to trash me start your own topic, this is for a discussion of soliciting ratings, votes and kudo's and upcoming changes to the sites.



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  buddahfullofshit said:


Buddah is an honorable kind hearted human being, anybody who is anybody on this site knows that.


You on the other hand are a coward of a human being (?) who uses the anonymity of the Internet to talk like a big man but I guarantee you that given the chance to talk that smack standing toe to toe with a real man that little ego of yours would shrivel up like dried fruit. If you feel like testing your moxy put your ass where your mouth is and come see me or eat poo and shut up.

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I am sorry warthug, but grow the flip up. You are really annoying dude.


Recently, i had come out with a file which, apperantly, the concept was already done. However, the mod itself was completely original. Even though there are plenty of mods out there with the very same concept, but staying original, not having to credit the original author, i was told, by buddha, that i was required to give credit to the original author for conept. (or something like that) i was pretty mad at that point, and very frustrated from other idiots like you, warthug, being dumb flips. So, when i read this from buddha, i was even more upset, because he, and they, were in the wrong. However, this is hard to prove over the internet, especially since everyone was unwilling to look at my evidence.


Anyways, that said, even though i was a little agitated with buddha, guess what? Im not a child. Im not stupid, im not immature, im not the following name + definition.



(1) Act of being stupid

(2) Child stuck to the internet

(3) A nazi calling other non nazi's nazis.

(4) A complete waste of life

(5) Irratating, annoying, idiotic, overall preteen drama queen.

(6) Someone who will not, for the life of him, stfu and leave this topic alone so that it can be used to discuss about its intent.


That said, not only do I still respect buddha completely, not only do I admire him (especially now more than ever for keeping his cool to an idiot like you who i would track down their whereabouts, and if they lived within a 5 hour drive of me go over there and give a lot of medical bills to) but i never lost that respect for one moment. Sure, i disagreed with him, sure i believe him to be wrong then, but guess what, he was doing what he does for what he thought the better good of the community.


PS: If you believe yourself to be right, why are you going about it all wrong? Plus, what is your fascination with buddha that you spend your time continuously making new acc's just to flame him. You are bad for the community dude, face it. For one, small kids and children go onto this site who do not need to be exposed to the inappropriete language you use.


Ok, now back to the actual topic.


I would like to put an unofficial vote here, as to what people think of this idea, with a simple "yes" or "no" included in their responce.


Do you like this idea:


Having the rating be the exact same, with the exception of being able to revoke rating priveledges for 6 months to those who abuse it, and ban those who just go around rating 10 or 1 on everything without actually taking anything into consideration, and you have to put a Check Mark in the rating page saying "Yes i understand the rating policies", with a link to another page with a complete list of what to and not to do when rating.

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  buddahfullofshit said:
warthug was not given any chances, he was banned as soon as he tried to say something u fukin nazi, and now ur tring to look good in front everyone else so they pity you, face the facts assshole, your full of shiit

Bye Warthug






your acting like a child geting temper tantrums as of not geting what you want


If things were run your way...there would be no site(jsut one for trolls)


your posts what got you banned were sjut...just luagle(jsut like my spelling) I even sent the link to your ban page to a few friends who had a good luagh about it.


Not to mention it seems the admins and Moderators gave you a good few chancees.

Also a few times on here I saw when someone did get banned(if it wasent a really bad rule breaker and wasent constant) te banned member cna aplogice to the admins here and they will have there ban overturned, Unless they kept on making other accounts and causeing trouble before doing it that I think.



Dark0ne, Buddah and the rest of the moderators and ahve helped everyone(which has lead to both good and bad conseqances)

They ahve givena great file sharing palce for 3 great games(morrowind,Oblivion and FO3) where people can freely upload to the site, has great number of options and settings to choose and a forum whats givena good strong community.


yeah theres the odd one or two things I dont like(which seems to be geting fixed soon so quite happy on that), but there completely optional and again why woiuld I want to complain to a great free site lkike this(if I had the money or a bank account I would donate)


If you dont like it here because you arnt geting your own way go somewhere else and liberate the people of nexus from your annoying child tantrums.


Theres always filefront, PES and them game FAq forums which looks faily like the scumwhole of nearly all gmaeing communitys (hmm that wold make a great place for you) where you can moan and complain when ever you want and no one here needs to listen or care about it



Sigh but why am I wasteing my life on this post when trolls cant read or think


thouhg I must admit I did take some of your opinions well, before you got banned and behaved like spilt brat which thopuhg out all credabilty.



Edit after I read this post, it seems to be a little troll baiting to this troll, but I sjut got so annoyed iwth him, speically after wakeing up n the wrong side of the bed this morning, so if I have broken the rules with this post, admins and moderators I will take my punshiment gracefully

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  buddahfullofshit said:
warthug was not given any chances, he was banned as soon as he tried to say something

Bye Warthug

nope you're wrong :down: buddah've tried to give you a chance

Yeah, you are a model citizen and a quality member of the community. I won't ban you, I leave that decision to Dark0ne. You seem to think that all of your snide comments and insults haven't been read by me. Got a flash for you, I read almost everything.


Now I'll ignore you

The banning bus is departing momentarily, all aboard ! ! ! ! !

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  ranokoalicksmycock said:
look here to stupid little sh!ts ranokoa and cnc:


this what ur doin right now:



trolling - answering to the thread only to flame


you 2 nazi hypocrites don't know shiit k? you should be banned right now according to the rules, but of course because your praising buddah you will not be k? And why the fuk do you idiots keep calling me WARTHUG???? I am not no fuking warthug, i used to be a member here long ago, but was banned by the nazi buddah and then when i see WARTHUG get banned for the same damn thing i speak out bcuz i have the ability to change my IP and speak out against you commie priks


and ranokoa i can tell that u r 13 yrs old by reading you posts k? go back to playing with ur diick trying to cumm



Um I know you are jsut insulting me here, but sint Nazi(and genrally the word itself) main belives were mostly because of beliveing they were a supier race....jsut thoguht a would point that out, thoguh I could be wrng but the way how thing go using that word seems like it


but sjut thoght I would point that out :whistling:

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SPAM cleared up in 10 seconds with 1 click.


Try not to feed the trolls, they're really not worth the time. Just ignore them the next time they show their achne around here.

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I don't really understand why they needs to be a second rating system at all in all fairness if we can already cast a vote for file of the month, for that to carry any real weight we shouldn't undermine that with a second system.


Other than that give the modders the choice to put there mod/mods up for candidacy every month.


That way the event runs once a month and gives each contender a good run for there money, and with 12 prizes a year going out thats not bad at all.

Edited by ANG3Looo
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@ANG3Looo: This appears to be a Rating System overhaul, not a brand new system. Also seems to be stopping anyone asking for votes in their file descriptions too. Should even the system up, not undermine it ;) Although to be honest i feel any rating system is unfair, but that's just a personal opinion, i just dislike competition of any form.
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