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Palemoon web browser, viewing Collections


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Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://floor.pbxai.com/?pubxId=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx&page=https://next.nexusmods.com/fallout3/collections&maxBid=null&bidDep=null&aucId=null
(Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).

Pale Moon v31.4.0 (2022-11-22)
CORS support has been updated to the current spec. **
Most importantly, Pale Moon now accepts wildcard entries ("*") for the CORS statements Access-Control-Expose-Headers,
Access-Control-Allow-Headers and Access-Control-Allow-Method. Note that wildcards are ignored (according to the spec) when credentials are passed.

In 31.4.0, CORS has become stricter to adhere more closely to the CORS standard. **

--- If they are using CORS mode and want to pass credentials, the server has to send an access-control-allow-credentials header.

.. Is there any easy solution to access this page until they will solve it?

--- I'm afraid not. There's no mechanism to easily bypass CORS/SOP deliberately







** wondering who to blame for this

Edited by skittered
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wonder what would have happened if i had specified i was using chrome and came across this issue while perusing the console log .. and was concerned because it's a security issue that chrome is apparently not concerned with.

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Guest deleted34304850

wonder what would have happened if i had specified i was using chrome and came across this issue while perusing the console log .. and was concerned because it's a security issue that chrome is apparently not concerned with.

nothing, as that would be a lie.

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Guest deleted34304850

no, the take is you're using a browser that isn't supported, and, as much as you won't believe this, isn't as secure as you think it is.

palemoon is hot garbage.

get a more popular, better supported browser and protect yourself.

or don't.

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CORS isn't something you (as the user) need to worry about. If Palemoon is bringing it to your attention directly then that's not a good user experience. However, if you're just poking about in the console please keep in mind that it's a developer console that shows messages relevant to developers. The average user doesn't need to use those tools.

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