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[Updated] New NMM version out, help us out and update to it (also, X R


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Updated the original news post with an update/clarification:




Clarification update:


I feel some people felt when I asked people to update to version 0.46.0 that this implied that version 0.46.0 was going to fix all the problems for you. When I said "Downloads might work sporadically or just not at all and service might be intermittent but it'll be fixed eventually" this meant "this new version of NMM is going to help out the situation immensely but we've still got work to do to actually fix all the issues, and there will still be issues". I hope this clarifies things for the people going bonkers that they've updated to version 0.46.0 and things aren't perfect.


Since this news post we've now turned off the web service support for versions before 0.46.0. So you now have to update to version 0.46.0 if you want to be able to login to NMM or download files. At this time I'm unsure if we'll ever open up legacy support for the previous versions again. It's presenting serious issues and while we like providing legacy support for people who, for whatever reason, don't want to update NMM to new versions, my main concern is focusing on what's ahead and not on what's behind. I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but that's my mind on the matter. We've spent a considerable amount of time (literally days) trying to sort this issue so that no one would need to update and so that we could maintain legacy support. There comes a point where you need to accept defeat and disappointment and just move on. I think we're at that point.


I'm also aware we've got some folks who moved to our alpha build of 0.50. We'll be releasing an update for the alpha to fix this for you guys, but it probably won't be until Monday. Sorry for that; sorry you're being penalised for actually trying to help, but we don't have the time to do it tomorrow unfortunately so I think you should know it'll be released on Monday.


We've performed more optimisations this evening and right now, 00:46am, things are running very smoothly both on the NMM side and the site side from what we can see (and what we can experience browsing around). I can't guarantee it'll stay this way, but it's a sign we're moving in the right direction.


Thank you for your continued patience.

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Hey guys, you're doing a great job, keep up the good work and thanks for keeping us abreast of the situation.


One small issue, which I guess is fixable, if I download the mods again, but I added some mods while the transition happened, before NMM was turned off, and those mods have no metadata, and as such have been filed into the unassigned category. While I could just download the mods again, some of them aren't exactly small, so I was wondering if there is a workaround to this, if not, no big deal, I can grow some stones and just re-download the mods, but I'm lazy... :P

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