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MO2 Or Vortex?


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Which to you prefer? Personally, I use MO2, have been using it for years and love it. Also, I have no experience whatsoever with Vortex.
I guess what I am asking is for an unbiased plus and minus comparative (opinion welcome) between the two.

OMT, are there any "collection" type mod-list based on MO2? Don't know if it is possible, but, I figured I'd ask.

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With MO2, the only "Collections" like options would be Wabbajack lists.


Personally, I prefer Vortex due to the ability to mix and match individual files from different mods without having to delete anything. But you really do need to forget everything you know about how things are done in MO2 and learn how they're done in Vortex instead. The differences are simultaneously small and vast.

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i am unbiased because i can and will not say anything negative about vortex since i've never used it. since 2015 i use mo and then mo2. to me mo for oblivion appeared in 2015 as a god send manager solving all my my problems with mod installations while giving me the freedom to test mods as easy and straight foward as possible and as often as i want without the risk of destabilizing my setup in any way or the need to physically overwrite installed mods or parts of them.

as long as this tool exists and supports all the games i like to play as excellent as it does until today it will be my no.1 mod manager without a doubt. mod testing with mo2 is just plug and play with full stability - exactly what i need for my modding purposes and easy, fast and full, safe profile handling included.

instead of a collection you can use a profile for an individual mod lead order. with mo2 just save it - alter it - and save it again i f you want even as a new profile. safe and easy.


currently collections are not relevant for my gaming since i like to know and to experience (test) what i install. stability is too important for me. i have my "experiences" and think i know what i am talking about.

to track a new ctd source in a 500+ mod setup can be really painful if not tracked with caution and a lack of experience when it comes to dependencies. so installing collections always is much more an adventure and stability risk than installing and testing mod by mod. at least when it comes to bethesda game stability and mod and plugin and update dependencies.

and to be honest - for collecting simple texture packs i do not need a collection at all.

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Only two comments I'll make.

1) Collections tend to be all or nothing - better off just making your own "collection".

2) Trying to add stuff on top of a "collection", well you need to reinvent the wheel to figure out if it will work or not.


As for MO2 v Vortex? If it isn't broke don't fix it - that is the reason I never tried Vortex.

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