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Chat GPT and Fallout 4 modding


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AI is going to be the end of the human race. :D

Humans are perfectly capable to do that themselves. :cool:


After effectively reverting our evolution, it serves us only right. (Humans no longer evolve, but devolve. Since 'survival of the weakest' became a thing.) - on average we become more and more stupid. Inteligent people have less kids.)


Yes, "idiocracy" is a documentary :dry:



To which I do need to add, that the 'president' is actually a good guy & a welcome exception.

In reality 'he' would more likely feel threatend by this 'intelligent' guy and have him 'taken care off'.

Edited by RoNin1971
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Could I ask it to make me some (specific) 3D models? That would be nice. just write the idea down and *ai* it into existence, without spending weeks on modeling, texturing etc.

Or write me a script, to turn my lights on/off in sequence with 0.17ms interval. (I tried myself, but its not working (yet) ...


I'll give it some tips on how to destroy humans in return :pirate:

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Could I ask it to make me some (specific) 3D models? That would be nice. just write the idea down and *ai* it into existence, without spending weeks on modeling, texturing etc.

Or write me a script, to turn my lights on/off in sequence with 0.17ms interval. (I tried myself, but its not working (yet) ...


I'll give it some tips on how to destroy humans in return :pirate:


I made it write a console app that plays the first notes of the Benny Hill theme song with console Beep() so, yes, it absolutely can do the latter. :smile:

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