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World of Warcraft


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Set in the Warcraft universe just years after the events of Warcraft 3 and it's subsequent expansions -- World of Warcraft see's thousands of players explore and fight within the two continents of Kalimdor and Azeroth. Features PVP and PVE content to amuse all MMORPG fans.
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yes, but you have to pay monthly! And that is BAD... I think =) First, you have to pay for the game, then you have to pay for internet, and then you have to pay even more every month... To mych if you ask me. But the game is good, so maybe it's worth it... maybe...
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Well I've spent over 5 days in the game so far already. Thats 120 hours of gameplay. In present day terms thats atleast 3 games worth of play time, and that's within 1 month. So I think the £8.99 I pay each month is warranted and cheaper than 5 days worth of entertainment from games currently on the shelf.


Of course, this isn't including the likes of BG2 and Icewind Dale etc, but HL2 took me under 25 hours to complete -- so I'm getting 5 HL2's of entertainment for 1/5th of the price -- thats how I warrant the monthly charge.

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Also they constantly add new content, refine features, and maintain the servers (if you can really call that maintaining, mind you).


I have to agree with Dark0ne... I've been playing this game for a total of 84 days (about 3-7 hours every day, varying). That's more than a sizable chunk of my game collection put together. I'd say it's more than worth the monthly charge.


How many people here play this game anyway? I'm curious. :P

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Me! I play! Lvl 45 mage on Llane server. Also the guildmaster of my new guild =p.


I would also say that the game is completely worth the cost. And for anyone like me, my parents dont like putting credit card info on the internet so I just buy the prepaid game cards. Seems to be working pretty well so far.

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Terrible, most over rated game right now. Take all of the flaws of an MMORPG, add disgustingly cartoonish graphics, demand a monthly fee, and sell it based entirely on the "Warcraft" name and you have WoW. Just burn $50 a month, you'll get the same results and won't suffer its terrible gameplay.
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Terrible, most over rated game right now. Take all of the flaws of an MMORPG, add disgustingly cartoonish graphics, demand a monthly fee, and sell it based entirely on the "Warcraft" name and you have WoW. Just burn $50 a month, you'll get the same results and won't suffer its terrible gameplay.


*Dark0ne selects Peregrine's name*





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i know a few people who play it, two of them are level 60, i forgot which world, but if you come across a player named Disease, tell himm i said hi =)


i never liked the concept of paying to play, we're already paying about $90 (australian) for the actual game, then another $15 (or more, im not sure) just to play it each month, not only that, but im a busy person (year 11...so many essays) so i wouldnt even be able to find the time to play it.


it also looks like a ultima online rip off =\....then again, arent they all?

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Technically, they're all Meridian 59 Rip-offs. It [i believe] was the original MMORPG.


I agree with Peregrine. From what I've played, I can say it's not worth the cost to me. I spent hours a day during the beta, hoping that it woudl get better, but it never did. It's still plagued with the near-unsovlable problems that every MMO has. Kill monsters for parts - 1, the monsters don't always give you what you need [i found about 1/10th the time], and 2 - there are about a dozen players doing the same quest at any given time, so, assuming you get 1 out of every twelve monsters to yourself, in order to get 5 parts you need to kill 60 monsters. Time waster. Also, not being able to talk to opposing players with no apparent way to overcome this barrier in the foreseeable future [they claim they're doing so, but I have no proof] is a minus. This may have changed - if so, let me know.


In short, an MMORPG with cartoony graphics and problems that is not worth the monthly payment.

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Terrible, most over rated game right now. Take all of the flaws of an MMORPG, add disgustingly cartoonish graphics, demand a monthly fee, and sell it based entirely on the "Warcraft" name and you have WoW. Just burn $50 a month, you'll get the same results and won't suffer its terrible gameplay.


*Dark0ne selects Peregrine's name*






It's ok, Dark0ne. It's not your fault you fell for all the hype about blizzard and warcraft.




And as for the monthly fee issue, it's not paying for a game that I object to. I easily spend that much (and more) on pizza every month just because I don't feel like dining hall food. But if I'm going to be paying $15 a month for a game, I expect much better than yet another generic, over-hyped mmorpg.

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