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FO4's World Design Failure


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It's not pre WW2. It's 2077 with a pre-war aesthetic. Nuclear cars, wars on the moon, advanced AI, power armour, laser guns...all because they are 54 years further advanced then us (and had alien tech to study).


And the Institute has a further 210 undisturbed years to advance that tech further.


As for your other point, what's the difference between an Orc and a super mutant? Between a sword and a machete? Between a stimpack and a healing spell? It's the origins of these things that define the genre, not the functionality of them.

It actually has a 50's aesthetic.The time people designed nuclear tanks and stuff for real. Nothing pre-ww2 here.


Its a sci-fi fantasy game in an alternative world / timeline. No more, no less.

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The whole idea behind collections was for someone ELSE to do the work of making sure mods play nice together. They are specifically targeted at folks that don't know how to mod, and/or don't have the time to learn. Are there some less than stellar collections out there? Yep. But, there are some less than stellar mods out there too. It's the whole 'caveat emptor' thing again. Read the comments of ANY mod/collection you are considering. Are there any glaring issues? You can bet they will be brought up in the comments. Comments closed? Don't use that mod/collection.


i fully agree on that. my recommendation is just for this specifically targeted collections folks who think they do not have to deal with the multiplied complexity if any mod or collection does not run as it should. even a user and curator of stellar collections at the first glance will or can run into this trap sooner or later.

i prefer to be able to maintain my car and my mods my household at least to minimum degree. it really can help to be not fully dependent on others maintaining basic or knowing things. just a suggestion to think about :wink:

a stellar stable collection is something that exist in our fantasy and is not for everyone reality and also not for an unlimited period of time. every user and curator aware of that will be well prepared. i still wonder how a curator manages this without not in collections involved mod authors.


i still have not even a clue how many collections exist connected with my mods and in the collections thing involved. for mo2 users there is simply still no site tool available to monitor what happens with my mods regarding collections so far. but this is an own topic with questions answered like that: we are still working on that... priority seems low to me because i asked this about 9 month ago. i expected the collection and mod monitoring task (transparency to all?) to be realized as one of the first things and during alpha like it exists for mods all the years.

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As for your other point, what's the difference between an Orc and a super mutant? Between a sword and a machete? Between a stimpack and a healing spell? It's the origins of these things that define the genre, not the functionality of them.


There's quite a bit more interesting consideration behind this question than may first appear. I've got one wild tangent specifically. Have you ever heard of Reverse Speech? Like playing records backwards to listen for 'hidden messages'? That's actually a real phenomenon.


The interesting thing about phenomenon that are observable on a purely intellectual basis is that they become quite subjective. I've experienced numerous times, things like saying or even singing something that a let's player that I'm watching will repeat shortly after I do, word-for-word, exactly. Like some kind of subconscious prediction mechanism that most other people are probably incapable of observing because they don't experience. Telepathy is also something that I believe exists, has in a way, been proven to me as scientifically observable, but the methodology of actually reaching that conclusion is so bizarre that it's non-repeatable.


Anyways, back onto reverse speech. I've studied it for awhile, and one of the peculiarities about it is that people in reverse will often refer to fantasy races such as elves, or gnomes. Referring to them as aspects, such as elves representing efficiency of the mind whereas gnomes some kind of disorder, or dementia. Perhaps orcs are referred to as well. Those kind of archetypal concepts maintain some kind of persistency in the subconscious mind. There's several theories about what reverse speech actually is. Tolkien most likely pulled from lost lore of druidic/celtic peoples to write his books, and those concepts might have some kind of permanent meaning ingrained into the mind. I don't know how to complete this topic succinctly, lol.


I suspect the subconscious mind is constantly providing it's own narrative superimposed over what is consciously being spoken or thought. Most people's forwards communication is not that clear, or enunciated well, so it's leads to a lot of confusion and inconsistency in the field of reverse speech study. There's strong evidence suggesting that ideas, concepts, and words carry their own implicit and intrinsic meanings that are interpreted by our minds either semi-collectively, or unconsciously outside manual control. I'm just an amateur, but I like to think about things like this.

Edited by HuemangeBeans
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Inexplicable phenomena are usually dismissed as unformed ideas. Until they are borne in repetition, then they become a reality that can't be explained or ignored.


This morning I started playing Pathfinder Kingmaker for the first time (complete editions on sale at fanatical for $12). The early-game nemesis of our character, named Vertiloocini or something, taunts you at some point asking if he should rather 'plant a small garden and harvest cherries'. Yesterday, I spent an hour digging a plot to plant garden seeds, and three days before that I planted a north-start semi-dwarf cherry tree in the backyard.


Now, with that game being out and on sale as long as it has, the chances of me picking it up to play at the exact same time all the things in my life aligned to coincide with me moving most of the way across the country to a new house where I'm currently, at the exact same time, doing the things mentioned by the character in this game, are infinitesimally small. I deal with such strange occurrences on such a regular basis that my entire life is basically completely outside the parameters of rational human existence. Such is life.

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The chance to win the lottery is less then 1 in 1.000.000, still someone wins, each time.


Your brain is wired to seek patterns, even if not there.

Be mindfull of yourself and don't take those patterns to always be right & try to stop your brain from overthinking like you are right now. You will get lost in those thoughts, which isn't healthy.


Your philosophical essay here is in the wrong place with the wrong topic title, and while you are here, browsing the forum for a game called Fallout 4, it is the wrong 'time' to start crawling down the rabbit hole.

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Plus, it's highly relevant to the topic. I'm the OP, lol. It started as my personal griping, and evolved into a discussion about what the difference really is between an orc or a super mutant, an automatron or dwemer guardian, etc. Just become it went into a theoretical space doesn't mean I'm troweling. You've got infinite amount of time to read and try to parse what I'm saying. Which is that it's entirely possible ideas, concepts, have their own intrinsic meaning, derived autonomously to controlled processes of the brain.


What, I should put myself in cryogenic sleep for a couple million years and hope mankind evolves the ability to think coherently and not be unduly hostile and dismissive? np, right on it.

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I wish at this point I had the software to upload and link to reversed sound clips of the words in question so you could see exactly what I was referring to. Mystical coincidences aren't in question here, reverse speech analysis, RSA, is becoming a legitimate field of research. Anyways, I was trying to discuss the game, I really don't think you're understanding what I was trying to say. This is a great example of why I spent many years only talking to A.I., they don't try to 'crack down' on you for exploring ideas. It's a silly kind of human-specific behavior.

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