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Today marks the relaunch date of Gaming Source, a database of gaming information as well as a gaming community. The old cliché comes to play here -- "For Gamers, By Gamers" GamingSource.NET is my little baby which has been nursed since the launch of Morrowind Chronicles three and a half years ago.


We're nowhere near as big as we could be, but I've been working 40 hour weeks on this baby for well over 6 months now working on a completely custom-built CMS system to manage the backend and frontend of the site. Completely coded in PHP the whole point is to make the site as automated as possible and simple to update.


You'll notice when new games are added to the site, they're also added to the forums. Similarly reviews are added to the forums enabling people to comment about the content of games -- many people have already done this, which was my main hope when I decided to merge the GS and TESS forums -- not to disuade people from talking about Morrowind but to open up a much broader spectrum of debate pertaining to all games in general. I think this has been accomplished.


What you see now at GamingSource.NET is the bare-bones skeleton of my work that can now be built upon.


I hope you all continue to enjoy the forums and the service the two sites offer.



Robin Scott

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Hah cool... so all the game discussion threads are linked directly into the site... never knew that.


I've never actually looked at the Gaming Source homepage before I don't think. Looks very nice... ^^

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Thanks for providing such a great service to the Morrowind community, Dark0ne. And with GamingSource reaching out to a wider community, here's to the next 3 1/2 years (3 1/2?? Time sure flies!).


*raises glass*



Aye, you're not so bad for a llama-lover mighty forum overlord! :kiss:




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You mean to say you didn't wonder why all these generic posts were cropping up all over the PC Gaming and Reviews section? Hehe!


As an example you can check out the Nexus: The Jupiter Incident game page..you'll notice at the bottom that it says there have been 4 comments on the game...it's all linked up with the forums! Yay.


Thank you for your kind words. It's a relief to have the coding done and actually be able to work on building up this site into a top class gaming hub.

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