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The Chosen Ones and the Epic of Hope!


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Note: Have cut last section from previous Post #60 and pasted here as an attempt to make post entries shorter.


[1] Early VenturesDC [30.2][0042]


Sonya met with the Megaton Town Council only to have to firmly reject a series of proposals that would have put her, and LyonsPride, into a compromising position. She, and her people, departed from the Council Centre having given no promises at all and having signed no agreements.


Suzan visited the Megaton Medical Clinic and her group gave DocChurch, and his middle aged female nurse, some medical supplies including stimpaks, med-x, bandages and more. They fixed up the clinic's stationary based medical robot.


The five managed to gain much information. They returned to their building even as a large TriOrderhood group arrived in an airboat convoy of three such vessels.

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[0] Other VenturesDC [0.0][0000]


They were in NukaCola Heaven as the radghoulins feasted on NukaCola food-drink of different kinds that came endlessly from the big, humming, machine that took up one whole wall in the much bigger chamber. They drank down NukaCola Original, the diet version of that, NukaCola Cherry and the diet version of that. They did the same with variations of NukaCoffee, NukaJuice and NukaBeer. They chowed down on NukaCakes, NukaChewbars, NukaChocbars, NukaMeals, NukaBurgers, NukaFries and NukaHotdogs.


Only now and then did they consume NukaCola Quantum or NukaCola Atomic for they had less taste for it and it was less available than the other NukaGoods.


They were guided to normally use the bigger set of basic, easy to use, toilet cubicles while the smaller set were only gone to after consuming the more exotic types of NukaCola.


They were influenced to sleep in the very comfortable bed cubicles, which was not hard to do, where blood samples were taken as they slumbered in the odd fashion of radghoul kind.


At other times they cultivated glowshooms and fed harvested ones into a hopper so as to gain gifts in turn that were oriented to them. That is radghoul dollies, suck and chew lollies, simple tough clothing, big picture books, hard to damage toys and even basic tools to help with their work.


They went to die, peacefully, in the goodby cubicles with their own kind escorting them and staying with them until their bodies went stiff and cold.


On one wall was the symbol '13G13' but that meant nothing to them; why would it?

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[1] Early VenturesDC [31.1][0043]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


Stormghosts, as a unique elite EagleEnclaven unit, entered the GDC and with it the WastelandsDC. They did so underground through a series of semiactive, and inactive, utility networks. Where they could they used local power sources to charge up their various rechargeable battery packs. They encountered, and drove off, monstrous mirelurks in areas of partly flooded caves. They were lucky not to run into any mirelurk kings, or worse, any mirelurk queens protective of their royal eggs.


The five clone siblings knew that they were Chosen Ones and they now had the full loyalty of their comrades who served them more than they did the EagleEnclaven; they had even reprogrammed the robots and androids. This was most important as they would soon be warning locals about the terrible threat, of the EagleEnclaven, but also of the EarthEnclaven that was behind it. Only very few WastelandersDC even suspected the menace coming from the north but that was true of much else as well; understandably, they were busy simply surviving and did not have the energy to take such matters into account.


Noting the heavy concentration of robots, and turrets, protecting the place, they skirted Fort Constantine even as the five Chosen Ones 'sensed' the presence there of something far more dangerous than the turrets or robots; they did not mean the stored nuclear bombs, and missile warheads, that were there but something active though not as any usual lifeform would be. The EagleEnclaven was most keen to take over the fort and to gain access to its resources but now the Stormghosts guessed that the enclaven would have more difficulty doing so than they had estimated; as in other plans the EagleEnclaven was proving to be overly optimistic.


They sent off a report to an isolated set of coordinates, the signal bouncing off multiple points to at last reach its intended destination that was unknown to the senders; the EagleEnclaven was security paranoid but that was common sense considering its most dangerous enemies.


They sheltered in a crumbling mansion and watched flashes in the sky of the Skynet fighting unidentified enemies be they zetans, Lunarites or some other faction. It was said that Skynet had been connected both to Warday and Doomsday! It had long gone independent or so most assumed.


The territorial cries of a nightclaw thundered through the air but from a nice, safe, distance. The radbeasts were powerful beasts with fast healing abilities that made them even more dangerous, They, and other kinds of radbeasts, were said to be connected to the 21st Century Jurassic Park Disaster.


They found a valuable collectable of a NukaCola Lunchbox.

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[0] Other VenturesDC [0.0][0000]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


For just a dollar coin the strange gamemachine would foretell a future or was that all it did? The radghoulin, more intelligent than most of its kind, slotted a coin that he found on the floor in that surprisingly clean chamber. The eccentric fortune teller figure came to life with an odd rattling sound and then its mouth opened, and closed, as it spoke.


"The Chosen Ones do not know what they are and yet, deep down, they know the truth of their existence for which they are more responsible than they know. Happy spending."


From a horizontal slot came out a vouchercard, as it always did, and the radghoulin took it and went off to claim his prizes. It always happened that way and always the radghoulin remembered more of the messages than he realised that he did.


He shared his toffee apples, chocolate peanut bars, bottles of pop juice and bags of many flavoured potato chips with the others there of his kind. For reasons that he did not quite understand he repeated the message to them and they absorbed it; later they would pass the message on and not just to radghoulins.

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[1] Early VenturesDC [32.1][0044]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


There was the myth that everybody, in the WastelandsDC, were constantly at war with everybody else but this was false; the main reasons, for this to be true, were practical ones of shortages of important resources, a need to keep strong against multiple threats and a lack of numbers. Even the largest, most powerful, FactionsDC had to be careful as they fought each other for territory, loot and the ability to charge tributes to those passing through their territories. Even the seminomadic radraiders liked to keep territories for at least a few months before moving on.


Now there were threats, to the carefully balancing of forces in the GDC, as the EagleEnclavers came from the north and the reavers arose out of the Atlantic Ocean; it was thought by many that they came from the insane Funtopia, a domed floating island of Predoomsday design and construction that was run by a crazy megacomputer.


The Wanderer stood at the apex of a surprisingly intact apartment tower viewing the distant movement of a newly arisen, eccentric, army of robots as tightly controlled by the GrandWarlord Mechanicist. The 13War13 had been appearing in the GDC being 13 Warlords each being served by 13 Battlelords. The Mechanicist was a woman who wanted to be known of as a robot but her Battlelords advanced androids.


He spoke to the LittleFateGeneral, an avatar of the LittleFateMan who was garbed in a rather elaborate looking set of power armour with a transparent bubblehelmet. "You say that the 13G13 are the 13War13, the 13Enclaven13, the 13TechCorps13 and the 13Syndicates13 but are also behind other 13Factions13. They have links with the notorious Tenpenny Family of the 10 towers equipped Tenpenny Towers Settlement. They are behind the super villains of the Dostoppables13 that are counter to the super heroes of the Unstoppables13. Then there is your LittleFateFamily, the TriOrderhood and the Chosen Ones. Is there anything else I should know of."


The LittleFateGeneral smiled as if confident of an immanent victory of some sort. "The 13Skylords13 who control the Skynet that they stole just before Doomsday. The 13Gamergods13 that supposedly run both the Gamerworld and this gameworld but are certainly not 'gods'. The 13Sages13, 13Traders13, 13Techlords13 and others yet to be identified; in theory that would be another six, making up the '13' of the 13G13, but the truth could easily be other than that for the 13G13 are most devious. Most of the 13s are on the smaller side being specialised in some very focused ways."


Robots, androids and even some clone cyborgs were of the Mechanicist Army that seemed to be waiting though they did carry out training exercises and other necessary duties. They were just a couple of kilometres from the massive, gridwork, tower of Broadcast Tower LP8 that was also a series of fortified buildings, walled yards and a surrounding superconcrete wall. Officially it had just been a civil service broadcast site but there had been plenty of dark whispers about it such as it being a tower transmitting, and receiving, ultrahigh frequency radio signals for the US Military Intelligence Corps and the US Civil Intelligence Corps; that is the USMIC and the USCIC that were part of the 'spaghetti soup' of US government agencies.


The Wanderer, in his hoodrobe, took a few gulps of water for his cooler water canteen before he spoke again. "Warlords are the Mechanicist, the Antagonizer, the Roacherrist, the Clawbeastus, the Radghouliser and who else?"


The LittleFateGeneral just smiled. "The other eight are still being created if there are only that number to come! I will leave you for now but you already know your next assignment; allocated resources will be available as promised. May you be victorious in meeting your goals."


Then he was gone almost as if he had never been there.

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[0] Other VenturesDC [0.0][0000]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


Paradise Falls fell as freed slaves, armed with guns and with explosive collars removed, joined with Reregulators and others that had come with them. Fighting broke out as slavers, mercenaries, and other SyndicateDC people fought hard but they were soon losing, fleeing from the settlement. They had become over confident, complacent, and were paying the price for doing so.


A great deal of valuable resources were lost including poor, suffering, radghoulman slaves.


It would be a major blow, to the SyndicatesDC, but not an ending to them as they had two fallback locations to go to if such a disaster happened. One turned out to be TechVault666 where a cult experiment had taken place leading to the creation of the SyndicatesDC as part of a soon failing cult conspiracy.


The other was in a partly sunken super containership in the Ponatomic River.


The irony, of the change, was reflected in the new name for the settlement being Paradise Rises.

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[1] Early VenturesDC [33.1][0045]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


The Jsisters made their way through the Fakevault101DC where they found important resources, not all of them fully utilised but that would soon change. They were in three electric golfcars almost identical to ones used for centuries going back to the 20th Century except these were fully enclosed in light armour including armaglass. They, and their people, were now designated as Vaultscouts subcontracted to explore, research and to better understand the Fakevault101DC. Vaultfolk101DC were still in shock to learn that what they had believed was the real Mainvault101DC was not only false but that the real one was hidden away in an amazing fashion.


There had been no major radroacher attacks on what had become known as Wall101DC but a few, smaller, scattered raids as if to remind the vaultfolk that there was still a threat out there.


Through a secret powerdoor they found the three big chambers of a VaultTech Centre. Why hidden? They were soon confronted by displays that showed information the VaultTech would not have liked just anybody to view. There a big holographic map, 3D of course, showing the actual TechVault101DC that had the Fakevault101DC instead of the 'real one'. There was evidence that there were hidden, special, resources in Overvault101DC where the elites lived and worked including the Prime Overseer and his people. The same was true of the Undervault101DC that was beneath the FakeVault101DC and the SideVault101DC that wrapped it vertically.


While not all TechVaults were shown in displays, many more were on general lists with short descriptions about them including any experiments that were linked with some of them.


There were prototype vaultbots of robots, vaultdroids of androids and vaultremotes of remoterobots that had never showed up in the working TechVault101DC but it was hinted that a few, of them, were stored away in the UnderVault101DC. The same was true of Vaultguard power armour and other gear that the real Vaultguardia101DC had never obtained but also sophisticated gear that Security101DC did not have.


Most of the tech there was standard stuff already common to that techvault and said to be the same with other techvaults. Though there were some exotic variations corresponding to the strange experiments in those same techvaults.


TechVault619DC showed partly transparent vaultsuits to be worn by men and-or women depending upon randomised choices that meant on some days none wore them. The experiment was sexual and the vaultsuits were not the only sexualised items used in that before unknown techvault.


TechVault666DC was where all wore armoured survival vaultsuits dotted with hidden survival and killing tricks. The experiment was for promoting the deadly sins including greed, jealousy, lust and hatred. Those, and other items, caused the Vaultscouts to be happy that they were not there and to wonder if any had survived there.


Repeatedly it was proven that there was no detailed information in that big chamber.

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[1] Early VenturesDC [33.2][0046]


At a big display of publicity posters, on one great wall, there were also enlarged copies of industrial awards won by VaultTech that, according to whispers, had never had any real credence with most people. There were public relations displaying showing how VaultTech had sponsored welfare, sporting, educational and other programs but again they had turned out to be largely suspect.


The Jsisters found themselves drawn to a display showing the VaultTech Lottery and the supposedly 1,000s of tickets won by citizens that had given them rewards of future shelter in techvaults, or techshelters, or lesser compensatory prizes that perhaps had turned out to be safer rewards for many.


The oddest find there was the obvious evidence that a few displays had been removed very quickly from where they had been positioned but had they been shifted to elsewhere and, if so, where?


They did find interesting the VaultTech display of collectables including bobbleheads, lunchboxes, toys, Tshirts and tea-towels.

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[0] Other VenturesDC [0.0][0000]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


Trees hung in the air but solidly as if there was invisible ground beneath; in the same fashion were rusted wrecks of vehicles including a twin barrelled battletank. At the edges, of the strange abyss, were typical areas of DC but there was also a snowy scene with white clad pine trees, snowmen and people skating on a small, frozen, lake in brightly coloured winter gear.


A giant, toy, robot clanked through the air, its big wind up key slowly turning as the clockwork motor wound down except it seemed, somehow, that it never would.


The LittleFateFixer stood, in his curious overalls of many pockets, and gumboots. He examined the scene and, every so often, an oversize fobwatch in one hand; or at least it looked to be one until the face was seen with its odd mixture of 13 arrows that went in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions.


Then, with a soft frown of concern, he vanished away almost as if he had never been there.

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[1] Early VenturesDC [34.1][0047]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


Sarah Lyons led a squad of LyonsPriders into Mr Burke's House wearing their power armour. They stomped across the largely empty commonroom and faced the back wall that showed how the building went into the side of the crater. It was late at night, Mr Burke was at the Games'n'Girls and Sheriff Simms supported their action; they had proven too him that Mr Burke had very dangerous devices hidden in Megaton that could do it great harm.


The house otherwise had a small bedroom, a cramped toiletroom, a just as small showerchamber, a kitchen dining room, a small storeroom and a rampway going up to the attic. There was a crazy mixture of stuff in part of the commonroom, storeroom and attic but the remaining areas were fairly bare.


The other Ssisters were in the newly renamed TriOrderpost except for Sonya, and those with her, who were in the Brass Lantern diner having a meal. Though not in power armour she, and her squad, were ready to come to the aid of Sarah.


A quick, thorough, search showed that most items were moderate value tradegoods with a strong emphasis on slippipeguns and ammo that went with them. Yet there were also sticks of gelignite stored in safe conditions, detonators and other gear related to making things blow up.


They opened up the secret door in the commonroom back door and were somehow not surprised to find a carefully dug tunnel, being well engineered with supports, plunging deeper into the ground. Closing the secret door behind themselves, they followed the dark tunnel, using night-vision tech, until they were in a large, part artificial, cavern chamber. It was part bunker with a series of armoured powerdoors in a superconcrete wall, electric charge bays for electric vehicles and two golfcar style machines.


Skeletal remains, of humans in different kinds of gear, was evidence of violence having taken place along with lots of laser burn marks. There had been looting because it was fairly clear that more useful items had been removed. The heavy security guards wore head to toe, semipower, armoured suits except they had been largely taken.


The long dead creatures were somewhat like zyclops, the savage companions to supermutants, but much larger and dangerous or so Sarah psysensed as a Chosen One. There were five of them largely rotted away.


Apart from the golfcars were five, two wheeled, trailers with enclosed boxbacks.


When they opened a large powerdoor, they stopped in astonishment. The very big, superconcrete, chamber held a large machine at its center that was extremely eccentric in design and which gave Sarah a chill though she could not quite understand why. Inside a dome, the gridwork tower structure appeared both solid and yet, somehow, unstable.

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