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The Chosen Ones and the Epic of Hope!


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[1] Early VenturesDC [39.1][0054]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


With increasingly larger groups, of refugees, coming from the north, and less so from the east coast, reports came from the RepublicDC that it was receiving such movements from the south from which a new threat was coming; it was a mixed force of daleks, cybermen, cyborgmutants, multiclones, radclawbeasts, robotics, radants, controlled radghoulers, and more being 13 armies as commanded by the 13War13. Then came word that Caesar's Empire, of animal-human hybrids, had sent five legions, plus auxiliaries, from Nevada to take part in a combined invasion of WashingtonDC.


It was that moment that, in the Chosenzone, that the 'Restart Reduxe Safety Program' was learned of. It was a special factor, at the very core of the Gamer Network, that could bring a solution to the troubles of the gameworlds but at what price? Clues had to be discovered, as created by an unknown faction, and solved so as to lead to new, breakthrough, information and even the RRSP itself, what ever it was.


The CeRaBaby was now firmly ensconced in the Chosenzone but, at its core, herher CeRaZone; glowing yellow-white Celestibabies were fairly common, in the Chosenzone, but far less so than were Rainbowbabies. Both were outnumbered, in turn, by other types of Celestibeings and Rainbowbeings. It became clear that the CeRaBaby was only there as a powerful avatar and the real one was very safely back in the Celestial Realms. What was the CeRaBaby's connection to the Gamer Network?


There were many challenges to meet!

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[1] Early VenturesDC [40.1][0055]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


Upon learning that the CeRaBaby had helped save them from the Malignamass, the 13Gamergods13 broke away from the rest of the 13G13 so as to serve that one. They also did this because they realised that the 13G13 criminal insanity had helped to create the ongoing crisis, with the Gamer Network, first become with the misuse of super alien artefacts; the most potent, of these, was a CeRaToy of amazing power and potential.


Upon splintering away from the 13G13, because of its interlinked nature, the 13Gamergods13 lost much of their power and other resources. They changed their name as the enraged 13G13 started the process of replacing them with a new 13Gamer13, the change of name symbolizing the switch over. The old 13Gamergods13 became the 13Helpers13 as in assisting the CeRaBaby, in the process gaining new powers and other resources; they would, in future, need all of them.

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I am taking a break to focus on my novel but will return to start [2] Later VenturesDC [0.0][0000]!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Note: Added new Story at Post #49 at Page 5.

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[2] Later VenturesDC [41.1][0056]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


The semiconsciously utilised psychic powers, of the Brownsmith Family, kept most strangers from fully noticing that the United Five Realms existed and others were repulsed from going there in a gentle firm fashion. Emperor Brant was very old, even for one of the Brownsmiths, and dying. The LittleFateLady calmly sat near him, in her self rocking chair, and knitted a very special jumper that would make his death a more peaceful one. He was nearly 250 years old having been born before Doomsday in a government experimental hospital disguised as one for special treatments of disturbed patients.


He sighed longingly. "I miss the Empress except when she is there in my special dreams. President Dave Junior is at it again with his attempts to have his lackeys steal chickens from Prime Minister Chloe while convincing others it was King Jack who is the culprit."


She smiled. "Oneself has already dealt with it. You have been allowing more refugees to come into the UFR but perhaps you could permit even more to do so. Queen Jill would support you, as would President Dave, while Premier Lilly could be easily convinced of the merits of such a move. That means only Prime Minister Chloe and King Jack would oppose it and even they could be bribed to change their minds. Not only do the refugees bring valuable resources with them but I can then reward you more richly."


He looked up at the softly shimmering dome that covered the UFR. The LittleFateFamily had transformed a Predoomsday dome and now it was greatly more improved. "I remember Doomsday but not in any clear fashion. It seems to be that the type of destruction wrought was not explainable by the mass use of nuclear weapons. 'They' say that Skynet failed to stop the ICBMs, and SLBMs, of the other two superpowers while even launching its own nukes; the idea simply does not add up. Lots of things don't add up like the production, and sales, of NukaCola Quantum, robotic teddybears and GPPs (Genuine People Personalities) for robots."


None had ever worked out the death toll, and other troubles, caused by NukaCola Quantum. Robotic teddybears had almost sent the federal government broke as swarms had fled from bad children only to cause havoc across the US Mainland. As for GPP robots, like the famously paranoid Marvin, the less said the better!


She spoke. "One more refugee just came into the Queendom of Jill. He is a radghoulman of little damage and much experienced skills that will help in the fix-ups of the old plumbing network. More flushed toilets that work better."


He laughed. "A more rewarding type of throne! Yes, more refugees is an excellent idea!" He closed his eyes and dreamed that he was with Empress Susie and other, long dead, loved ones being mostly animals.


The LittleFateLady smiled. Soon enough the UFR would become part of the Chosenzone though it would remain much the same despite that transferal.

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[2] Later VenturesDC [42.1][0057]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


The Stormraiders fell back, guns blazing, with expert precision as reavers came at them hard and fast. The disguised EagleEnclaven clones were knocking back reaver attacks easily enough but neither side was getting anywhere fast. With a flicker, of speed, the reavers were gone!


The LittleFateBoy came amongst them, with the female Drifter in the same type gear as the male Wanderer wore, and soon began negotiations for the Stormraiders to depart from being valuable expendables to being valuable non expendables. Somehow it was no surprise when the reavers returned to the scene but this time peacefully.


The Reaver Captain gave the impression she was about to spring into motion at any moment though she was still. "We come from MainVault101DC to begin with before going to completion training in a massive, floating, artificial island. I say 'in' because we never went on deck, never saw through any windows, so we never knew where it was located. We went into capsules and came out, of them, in a secret bunker complex. From there we joined in a campaign involving 120 attack groups, of reavers. Soon other type threats will come from MainVault101DC. One thing we do know, that we were secretly told by an unknown source, is that there are at least five locations called 'MainVault101DC' but only one holds a so called 'true purpose', what ever that means. Got to figure it was you two that the message was intended for."


The LittleFateBoy nodded his tough commando helmet clad head. "Very much so in that certain necessary motions are carried out, steps completed and links made! You were sent here to die fighting, to confuse locals and to misdirect those seeking the truth. In attacking the radraiders you were meant to mislead but in the process you have brought them down on their knees; they are no longer over confident about their ability to dominate others, are more open to compromise."


Around them stretched a large underground chamber of TechBunker121DC being nowhere near as large as any of the actual techvaults. Robots, androids, were busy working on atomic hovertrucks, hovercars and other such high moving hovercraft. Their atomics were being made more stable, safer and efficient. They would serve as multiple purpose, modular, vehicles in future when such would be under big demand.


The Drifter smiled. "In special capsules you will go, in a very special place, to be projected elsewhere to fight or otherwise serve, if you so wish, or spend time in SVR realms. That way your bodies can be adjusted, your lifespans extended from the 30 year 'deathline' that has been fixed to them."


The captain spoke. "Wow, we were meant to live a whole 30 years. I am a veteran commander at 11 years of age. You two seem very old, maybe a 100."


The Drifter kissed the clone, who was startled and blushed. "Both the LittleFateBoy, and myself, are very much older than this universe but in some ways we envy you for to you there are new discoveries to make but never to us. Its time for us all to go to the Chosenzone."

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Note: new story episode in Post #51, Page 6!"

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[2] Later VenturesDC [43.1][0058]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


EagleEnclavers landed in huge, vertibird type, vertiships and smaller, but still large, vertiboats. Stormtroopers moved into battle even as autocannon shells, heavy machinegun bullets, laser beams, rockets and missiles struck at their side. With the power armoured clones came Stormbots of robots, Stormdroids of androids. Stormcraft of armoured-armed battle vehicles. There were also cloned, cyborged Stormclaws of adapted deathclaws.


Yet again the invaders, even as they entered the northern most edges of the GDC, were running into much stiffer resistance than had been predicted or calculated by their military intelligence people.


The elite Stormtroopers went into battle first even as the general forces, of the Stormguards, moved in behind them; the latter easily outnumbered the former but had less sophisticated battletech. The Stormforces quickly became bogged down under heavy fire. The faster, more agile, Stormtrooper machines lost all of their advantages and the slower, heavier, Stormguard ones did not do much better.


It became apparent that the attackers were attempting to force the EagleEnclavers to leave, not to destroy them, and having not even learned the identity of their foe, the northern invaders did so. As they departed, the well ensconced enemy ceased to attack as they made it clear that they simply wanted to be left alone.

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[2] Later VenturesDC [44.1][0059]


LittleFateObserver always observed what was taking place but mostly, indirectly, through the LittleFateWatchers!


Ironside Mercenaries fell back, in a well preprepared fashion, along with a mix of allies. The 13War13's Mutantlord's Army was thrusting towards the Ponatomic River with out diverting to strike at the heart of the RepublicDC. Cyborged mutants were the elite core, of the enemy army, be they metamutants or supermutants or zyclops but most of the great force was of the non cyborged types.


Marshal Ajax Ironsides, a cyborg as many of her Ironsiders were, had her forces retreat back to RepublicanDC Central Territories that needed to be defended just in case the invading 13 Armies attacked it directly. So far attacks had been only indirect after the failed invasion had been launched across the river. The Winglord's flying creatures had raided while other 13War13s had struck with harassing long range fire.


The marshal spoke. "Any two (of the enemy armies) together are bigger than all our forces combined; even though we are well dug in, four of them could conquer the RepublicDC. So why are they not trying to do so?"


Serendep, her vicemarshal, was observing the same electronics displays including big viewscreens showing multiple views of the on going battle. He spoke. "Sir, I suspect that you also have a 'bad feeling' about this situation that we are in. I have been having the same nightmare in which a monster comes up, through the ground, and attacks me."


Marshal Ironsides gave some orders through her cyborg tech. Fresh data came through to the screens. "A very large force is moving through the ground, deep beneath us, and towards RepublicanDC Central Territories. It is fairly slow so we a large amount of preparations could be carried out before it could get to strike. We need to know if it is a threat and, if it is, how much of one it is."


The bunker chamber shook as a heavy cannon shell struck surface ground not too far away.

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