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Cannot install Vortex (Windows 10)

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I'm trying to install Vortex (installer = Vortex-1-1-7-8-1675857943.exe). The installation keeps failing.


(Note about screenshots: my system is in French, so I am providing a translation along, sorry for that...)


When I run (as Administrator), I get:



("Vortex cannot be closed. Please close it manually and click Retry to continue")


If I click Retry:



("Error while openning file in write mode: A:\Program Files (x86)\Vortex\Uninstall Vortex.exe
Click Abort to cancel installation, Retry to retry writing the file, or Ignore to skip")


:excl: The "A" drive does not exist on my system!


Some time ago (~1-2 years), I did have a "A" drive with an old version of Vortex installed on it. This drive has been renamed and the old version of Vortex should have been uninstalled. I tried manually removing remnant "Vortex/" folders in my system (C:\) and my AppData\ and running CCleaner to clean the registry just in case, but that did not fix the error.


Am I missing something?


If I click "Ignore", I get:




And the installer creates a shortcut that points again to the "A" drive that does not exist.


Any help would be welcome ! :sweat:



Additionnal notes:

  • Installing on Windows 10
  • I did install .NET 6.0 following the link provided in the requirements
  • I did check if this topic did not already exist and found nothing, sorry if I missed it
Edited by CanardBoiteux7
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If you are comfortable editing your registry, you can use regedit and scan for Vortex references.

Do with those what you think is appropriate.


Don't even think of doing this unless you know what you are doing. It takes a certain technical competence.

Don't blame me if you brick your system..


Note to the powers that be:

Vortex needs an Uninstall All utility that will remove all vestiges of an old installation, including registry entries.

We are seeing more of these type problems.

Edited by rmm200
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If you are comfortable editing your registry, you can use regedit and scan for Vortex references.

Do with those what you think is appropriate.


Don't even think of doing this unless you know what you are doing. It takes a certain technical competence.

Don't blame me if you brick your system..


Note to the powers that be:

Vortex needs an Uninstall All utility that will remove all vestiges of an old installation, including registry entries.

We are seeing more of these type problems.


Well thanks for the tip but I'm not, so I think I'll pass ^^'


Is it definitely a registry issue? Is there no other around it?

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CCleaner *should* have found orphaned entries.....


RegEdit is indeed dangerous, so, back it up before making any changes. Search for Vortex, and nuke anything you find. Once done, restart your system, and try and install Vortex.

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Yep, tried complete searching/cleaning/rebooting several times already.


I'm not too confident about messing around the registry, my knowledge is limited to the safety guideline "don't touch what you don't understand" , maybe I'll try after backuping my current registry...


Any chance that a future release will support performing a clean install?

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It pretty much already does. You are experiencing an error that seems to have come from not doing a proper uninstall and Vortex is unable to work around the error.

Or, windows is just being windows, and reporting that Vortex is running, when it simply doesn't exist. :) But yeah, that's generally a result of an improper uninstall.


@OP: Does Vortex still show in installed apps? Might try typing appwiz.cpl in the taskbar search box, look for Vortex there, and have it try and uninstall.

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Vortex did come up in the installed programs as v1.7.8 - 08/04/2023, I believe it's the result of the failed installation.


I've removed it using appwiz.cpl (I got an error that told me the program did not exist and was probably already uninstallted) but the installer still behaves the same.

Edited by CanardBoiteux7
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