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Teleport Spell? Or: "Beam Me Up, Scotty"


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@RomanR: I will definitely take a listen to that. Would you mind if I tried it/tweaked it for my Player Home/Worldspace mod? (Which is ultimately, what I'm creating). You shall of course, get proper credit. All of you all here on the Forums will.


@OblivionAddicted: So if it's a book on a shelf or table --> "OnAdd", as in "Pick it up and get it into player inventory"?


Thank you all again. You guys are an absolute godsend. NEXUS RULES AGAIN!


I will update this Sunday when I continue working on it.

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@qwertyasdfgh: Yes, you're right, it didn't work because I tried to use GetActionRef command in this event too and got non-working results. At least I can present improved version, the message box will show after reading a book now, as I find it incovenient to choices pop-up when you even didn't read it. To save some space I used filters, so I hope it will be alright.

Now the script:



scn RomRBookTeachsSpell2
;Any book with this script attached will teach you spell after read
short choice
short wantteach
short showbox 
short readed
short taken

begin OnAdd player ;to show alternative message box
	set taken to 1

begin OnActivate
	if GetActionRef == player	
		;print "Activated by player."
		if player.HasSpell RomRPushSpell == 0
			set wantteach to 1
			set showbox to 1
			set readed to 0
			set choice to -1

begin OnEquip player
	if player.HasSpell RomRPushSpell == 0
		set wantteach to 1
		set showbox to 1
		set readed to 0
		set choice to -1
		;print "Player opened this book."
begin MenuMode
	if MenuMode 1026	
		;book was opened for reading
		set readed to 1
		set taken to 0
	elseif MenuMode 1002
		if wantteach != 0 && readed != 0 ;player closed a book
			if showbox != 0				
				MessageBox "As you closed this book, you feel as it wants to give you something. Will you accept?","Yes","No"			
				set showbox to 0
			set choice to GetButtonPressed
			if choice == 0 ;yes
				player.AddSpell RomRPushSpell 
			if choice != -1
				set wantteach to 0
				set readed to 0				

begin GameMode
	if wantteach != 0 && readed != 0 ;player closed a book
		if showbox != 0
			if taken != 0
				MessageBox "As you closed this book to take it, you feel as it wants to give you something. Will you accept?","Yes","No"
				MessageBox "As you closed this book, you feel as it wants to give you something. Will you accept?","Yes","No"
			set showbox to 0
		set choice to GetButtonPressed
		if choice == 0 ;yes
			player.AddSpell RomRPushSpell 
		if choice != -1
			set wantteach to 0
			set readed to 0




@BlueSteelRanger: Yes, of course you can alter my scripts as you like.

Edited by RomanR
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Hey, y'all!


I'm giving that script of yours a try, @RomanR, and I'm getting an odd error with it. "unknown variable or function, 'HasSpell'", Line 16. I'm assuming this is a new function?


I am trying your shorter script. I have tweaked the Spell ID name a bit and matched it to the corresponding script. No errors with this one. Let's see how this goes.

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I'm sorry but I completely forgot that HasSpell is an OBSE function too. But as it's present even in my ancient version 21.4, this shouldn't pose much problem. You can substitute it for some sort of doOnce flag, so the book will not offer to teach spell over and over again. Still, using HasSpell function is more convenient, because in case you somewhat lost this spell, the book will not give you this spell again until this substitute flag is reseted. To reset in easier way I would recommend to make this flag as quest or global variable, if this spell is important. Script itself could look like this:



scn RomRBookTeachsSpell2
;Any book with this script attached will teach you spell after read
short choice
short wantteach
short showbox 
short readed
short taken

begin OnAdd player ;to show alternative message box
	set taken to 1

begin OnActivate
	if GetActionRef == player	
		;print "Activated by player."
		if spellgiven == 0 ;or {your_quest}.spellgiven - so global or quest variable
			set wantteach to 1
			set showbox to 1
			set readed to 0
			set choice to -1

begin OnEquip player
	if spellgiven == 0 
		set wantteach to 1
		set showbox to 1
		set readed to 0
		set choice to -1
		;print "Player opened this book."
begin MenuMode
	if MenuMode 1026	
		;book was opened for reading
		set readed to 1
		set taken to 0
	elseif MenuMode 1002
		if wantteach != 0 && readed != 0 ;player closed a book
			if showbox != 0				
				MessageBox "As you closed this book, you feel as it wants to give you something. Will you accept?","Yes","No"			
				set showbox to 0
			set choice to GetButtonPressed
			if choice == 0 ;yes
				player.AddSpell RomRPushSpell 
                                set spellgiven to 1 ;or set {your_quest}.spellgiven
			if choice != -1
				set wantteach to 0
				set readed to 0				

begin GameMode
	if wantteach != 0 && readed != 0 ;player closed a book
		if showbox != 0
			if taken != 0
				MessageBox "As you closed this book to take it, you feel as it wants to give you something. Will you accept?","Yes","No"
				MessageBox "As you closed this book, you feel as it wants to give you something. Will you accept?","Yes","No"
			set showbox to 0
		set choice to GetButtonPressed
		if choice == 0 ;yes
			player.AddSpell RomRPushSpell 
                        set spellgiven to 1
		if choice != -1
			set wantteach to 0
			set readed to 0



Edited by RomanR
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No worries. :) You all are a whole helluva lot more experienced than I am on this, and I wouldn't doubt at all that the book not firing is from some tiny-azz little thing my newbie self missed somewhere. Okay. Going to give this a try in the morn. ::cracks knuckles and downs the coffee::

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