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How to install TES4 Gecko

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I 've been trying to install TES4 Gecko with no success.


First of all it says somewhere that I need to "create a program

shortcut and specify "javaw -Xmx1024m -jar <install-directory>\TES4Gecko.jar"".


However, it doesn't say how. When I click create, I only have the option create shortcut and there isn't a place to specify if I want to create a program shortcut and specify "javaw -Xmx1024m -jar <install-directory>\TES4Gecko.jar".


Secondly when I double click on javaw, I get a message that says "Can't locate Oblivion installation directory (wherever I may put javaw).


I feel like there are details that are missing from the tutorial.

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TES4Gecko reads certain registry entry that was generated at installation back then. Said entry is not 'generated' at Windows 10(64bit) I think, so you need to manually add it.

By the way, have you read this? https://forum.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=30305/&do=findComment&comment=121251849

And, If I'd make a shortcut or batch file, I'll make one in the place where TES4Gecko is, then edit it. (I'm lazy, so I just let Java installer make association with .jar)

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The location of your shortcut doesn't matter.

Right-click on your shortcut -> properties -> shortcut -> the target box should look like this:


"setup location of Java ending with javaw.exe" -Xmx1024m -jar "location of TES4Gecko.jar"

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The location of your shortcut doesn't matter.

Right-click on your shortcut -> properties -> shortcut -> the target box should look like this:


"setup location of Java ending with javaw.exe" -Xmx1024m -jar "location of TES4Gecko.jar"


Yes. The target box is exactly like you say. But it doesn't work. Not only that, but the shortcut now is a folder.

I have Windows 11 by the way.

Edited by Dimitrisgb
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TES4Gecko reads certain registry entry that was generated at installation back then. Said entry is not 'generated' at Windows 10(64bit) I think, so you need to manually add it.

By the way, have you read this? https://forum.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=30305/&do=findComment&comment=121251849

And, If I'd make a shortcut or batch file, I'll make one in the place where TES4Gecko is, then edit it. (I'm lazy, so I just let Java installer make association with .jar)

It says here to make a .properties file. But I don't know goe to do this (and I can't reply to the thread).

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In fact that line in target box consists of three parts:

1.Full path to javaw.exe including file itself.

2.Additional parameters beginning "-" character.

3 Full path to TES4Gecko.jar including file.


So for example:

1. I have installed Java Runtime. My path to its binary is "C:\Program Files (x86}\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe".

2. I copied my Gecko to TES4Gecko directory to my test ram disk (R:), so full path to .jar is "R:\TES4Gecko\TES4Gecko.jar".


So full line in target box will be:


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx1024m -jar "R:\TES4Gecko\TES4Gecko.jar"


The execute box (below target box) must be filled with directory path where TES4Gecko.jar resides, so for this example it will be "R:\TES4Gecko".


Edit: Some miss-types. Also for a first time you will need to click "Set Directory" button and choose Data directory of Oblivion (for version 12.0). For versions higher than 12.0 I was unable to run them - same problem as you have. Even LFact's link didn't help, propably because I'm using 32-bit version from Oracle - JRE 6 (although working version says that it's Java 1.6.0_23, so requirements should be met for higher versions too).


Edit2: Success in running higher versions too - I was forced to create registry keys for which newer versions are looking. For 64-bit Windows you need to create registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Wow6432Node -> Bethesda Softworks -> Oblivion (if this keys aren't present). Select Oblivion key, press right-button and in context menu select create a string value. Name this value "Installed Path". After creation, right click on Installed Path value and in context menu select "Change...". The new window opens and in text box you must type a full path to your Oblivion directory (unfortunately by hand).


Picture how it looks like on my Win 7:


Edited by RomanR
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In fact that line in target box consists of three parts:

1.Full path to javaw.exe including file itself.

2.Additional parameters beginning "-" character.

3 Full path to TES4Gecko.jar including file.


So for example:

1. I have installed Java Runtime. My path to its binary is "C:\Program Files (x86}\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe".

2. I copied my Gecko to TES4Gecko directory to my test ram disk (R:), so full path to .jar is "R:\TES4Gecko\TES4Gecko.jar".


So full line in target box will be:


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx1024m -jar "R:\TES4Gecko\TES4Gecko.jar"


The execute box (below target box) must be filled with directory path where TES4Gecko.jar resides, so for this example it will be "R:\TES4Gecko".


Edit: Some miss-types. Also for a first time you will need to click "Set Directory" button and choose Data directory of Oblivion (for version 12.0). For versions higher than 12.0 I was unable to run them - same problem as you have. Even LFact's link didn't help, propably because I'm using 32-bit version from Oracle - JRE 6 (although working version says that it's Java 1.6.0_23, so requirements should be met for higher versions too).


Edit2: Success in running higher versions too - I was forced to create registry keys for which newer versions are looking. For 64-bit Windows you need to create registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Wow6432Node -> Bethesda Softworks -> Oblivion (if this keys aren't present). Select Oblivion key, press right-button and in context menu select create a string value. Name this value "Installed Path". After creation, right click on Installed Path value and in context menu select "Change...". The new window opens and in text box you must type a full path to your Oblivion directory (unfortunately by hand).


Picture how it looks like on my Win 7:

attachicon.gif Oblivion64BitWin.jpg


Sorry, but I can't seem to make it happen. In the target box I have typed ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaw.exe" -Xmx1024m -jar TES4Gecko\TES4Gecko.jar", but I get a message that says Unable to access jarfileTES4Gecko\TES4Gecko.

What exactly am I supposed to do?

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You must enter complete path to Gecko's jar file, from root directory (term for it is "full file path" or "absolute file path", including drive letter, not just its directory and jar file. And yes, if your Java install associated jar files, Gecko can be run by double-clicking as another program. Still, in the shortcut are specified some extra parameters, so there must be a reason why the author put them here?


You can install Gecko anywhere you want.


However seeing "Unable to access jarfileTES4Gecko\TES4Gecko" means that other parts of your typing to target box seems working, you just need fix the path to jar file itself.


Edit: You should goggle some tutorials about file paths first, it seems you have no idea what I was writing about.

Edited by RomanR
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