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Vortex is managing a mod for a game that isn't even installed.


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If the game is in the managed tab then you either have it installed or set up a folder that Vortex recognised as the game directory. If you click the menu button on the game tile it will tell you where the game is located and give an option to remove it.
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If the game is in the managed tab then you either have it installed or set up a folder that Vortex recognised as the game directory. If you click the menu button on the game tile it will tell you where the game is located and give an option to remove it.

Oh ok, and will doing this just remove the game from the managed tab or will it also disable the one active mod?

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It will do both. Vortex gives an explanation of what's happening before you confirm the aI ha

I have done as you said, the game isn't being managed anymore but it still says that the one mod is active. Does this mean the problem lies somewhere else?

Edited by SirTomatnik
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I decided to check to where Skyrim SE would normally be isntalled by steam and noticed a bunch files in the Data folder. I'm pretty sure most of this isn't supposed to be here. It's just a lot of random mod files. Esp files, bsa files, etc. and I don't have Skyrim SE installed. I would provide a picture but I coudln't figure out how to attach a picture I haven't previusoly shared. Could this possibly be the cause of the problem? And if so, can I just delete these files?

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If you ever manually installed mods, or any of your mods dynamically created files, then neither Vortex nor Steam will remove them when you uninstall.


So yes, you'd need to delete all those files and folders.

Are you referring to those files in the Data folder? Please just clarify this for me

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If you've uninstalled Skyrim SE then the install folder for the game and anything in it, including subfolders, should be deleted.

I'm sorry, I'm really not good at this, the install folder is the one under steamapps/common? Or am I confusing it with another? also I noticed there's skse related files in this one. I'm really sorry I'm so confused

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