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Vortex, Nifscope, Skyrim SE nifs/textures

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Vortex allows you to view conflicts to easily see what nifs or textures are overwriting eachother. You can open the nifs and textures to view them in nifskope or paint.


Lately, when I open a nif, the textures aren't applied. Every nif in nifskope is purple. This didn't use to happen. In the past I was almost always able to view the nif with textures.


This isn't just one or two mods doing this. This is every nif.


It's worth saying that the game is fine and all textures appear on the nifs in game.


It's also worth saying that in the recent past, after a Vortex update, I wasn't even able to preview any nifs with nifskope when doing it through Vortex. Then, after one of the recent updates, it started working again but without textures.


Any ideas what changed?









Edited by beebophuckleberry
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I vaguely recall that either Nifskope can't access BSA files or that you need to do something to enable it to do so.


The mod you reference in your images is only a NIF replacer and probably uses the textures in the BSA (unless you also have a texture replacer).

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