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Voicing the player character


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AI will fix this issue eventually (& probably fairly soon), & when it does, I'll buy Starfield.


Soon, we will just speak freeform via microphone to NPCs in all RPG games & they will use a ChatGPT style AI to respond. Then the issue (at least for people like me) is not doing this in real time but rather with a delay so the AI can convert it to the custom voice I want the player character to use in-game

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AI will fix this issue eventually (& probably fairly soon), & when it does, I'll buy Starfield.


Soon, we will just speak freeform via microphone to NPCs in all RPG games & they will use a ChatGPT style AI to respond. Then the issue (at least for people like me) is not doing this in real time but rather with a delay so the AI can convert it to the custom voice I want the player character to use in-game

I would expect that would require you game to be always online for it to work......

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  • 1 month later...

i love the voiced fo4 protagonist! courtenay taylor did a great job as the female voice actress. in combination with the player comments and head tracking" mod the comments work great for me.

i will miss this fo4 voice support and the hilarious, salty and sarcastic, funny and empathic comments and i hope somebody can add this voice with a good story as an optional feature.

this voice will be a great loss for me. another reason to stick with fo4 and jamie for an unknown time :wink:

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Bethesda is most likely never gonna do another voiced protag for a long time with how much they got criticized for the one in Fallout 4. Personally I think that's the right call.

thanks for talking about that FO4 mod i had no idea FO4 had a mod like this, so i'm going to use it from now on.

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Bethesda is most likely never gonna do another voiced protag for a long time with how much they got criticized for the one in Fallout 4. Personally I think that's the right call.

i think they should have allowed both options, so for the players who wanted a voiced player they could turn on that as an option, but if they didn't want it, it could be turned off.

They would probably need to use several voices options.

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